Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Duh.. Let's make dope "legul" (real idiots, real stories)3

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Duh.. Let's make dope "legul" (real idiots, real stories) 2

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Duh.. Let's make dope "legul" (real idiots, real stories)

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on to other stuff...

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Sad Story 3 , then on to other stuff...

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another sad story 2

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Another sad story 1

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More on the political front. more solutions posts coming(and other stuff thrown in on RNC)

Well I have been slow to write the rest of my article becuase I have been busy as hell. I have also been returning comments on two sites. One is ownit.blogspot, where I misspelled a reply so I got the "You misspelled shit so you're stupid " thing. These are the "we are the smart , cool liberals and Bush is dumb" crowd. My reply was somthing about I am tired and busy and missspell shit when in a hurry. Like Bush misspeaks sometimes. Or Kerry as well, whe he says he was in Nam during King's assasination when he wasn't in until a few months after he died.(speaking to black people) Or how they had a dog on the swift boat who was blown off by a mine and rescued , a dog that was never spoken of before or again by either parties in the boat contraversey. (speaking to animal rights folks)BUT SEE I COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUTH THE PETTY SWIFT BOAT/NATIONAL GUARD/VIETNAM SERVICE CRAP, IT'S JUST A DIVISIVE TACTICT ANDI AM NOT BUYING INTO THE ARGUMENT EITHER WAY BECAUSE IT'S ALL BULLSHIT. Bad enough I talked about it this much. It's obvious these guys are both rich kids who were scared of war and tried to get out. Would we really want a hardened soldier in office anyway? Even talk to the average hardcore marine for example? OK great in a fight, a lot of them make good employees, but running a country? Soldiers are for war. The guys that send them almost never saw the real hardcore war. Maybe they were in the war , but not in the thick of battle for years. On the RNC, I knew they would use McCain and Guiliani, I have been predicting these two will end up running next time for the Republican party. Only strong Republicans left. They are moderate as well, whicih is the only thing that the country may agree on.But they also have the potential of swinging the party from it's base. Laura Bush is a lady. She said one of the coolest things I heard a first lady say in an interview. They asked her if she dissagreeed with her husband. She said she wouldn't publicly acknowledge it if she did. It was his name on the ticket, not hers. Finally a woman who isn't using her husband's political gains to push her own interests and showcase herself. Women who are really strong have their own role and their own place. Why compete when there is no competition needed? Well I gotta work , so hjave a great day and write back...

Sunday, August 29, 2004

one more sample of the "transformation" then it's back to talking politics and other stuff... Posted by Hello

Realstic look at Real Abortions...

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Realstic look at Real Abortions...

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Saturday, August 28, 2004

Another DJ ad for Scott & Friends... Posted by Hello

The new art... He dropped the "y" nowdays, and changed the spelling... Posted by Hello

The New "DJ Scotty Vain" Artwork... Posted by Hello

The Solutions... part 2

OK first of all the first written post I said some things that will instantly strike cords with many liberals. When I say certain things it always triggers learned responses in liberals due to the constant repetition of issues that are out there. For example, I saw " Let people have to learn English for amnesty" - it's OH YOU CANNOT DO THAT , HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE or when I say sterilization after 3 abortions it's "HUMAN RIGHTS AGAIN". But are many people actually thinking that maybe all these issues that are NEVER dealt with are not dealt with due to people placing blame on someone else or making it untouchable because of HUMAN RIGHTS or calling it RACISM? If you really , really get down to brass tacks and examine the real solutions ( I mean other than blaming Bush) are these things really mistreating folks? A person who cannot get off drugs or welfare after recieving chances at state appointed rehab ( which never ends under current conditions) , ok who's rights are really being violated? Do these kids growing up without any work ethic , or being raised that money is just to buy drugs with , how are their human rights being protected? Kids deserve to grow up with some kind of chance, especially in a rich country like the USA. The fucking excuse why we allow people to perpetually be on welfare and governement programs is "the children". Yet it's only a short term solution. Check the statistics, every place that has issued welfare limits ( Partially endorsed by Bill Clinton , I might add, one of the few goods things her did , of course they never brought up welfare reforms he did during election time to snag black voters)has prospered, and more folks are working. Do you know the average child on welfare is usually taller and weighs more than middle classed children? Why ? Because the average food stamp allowance is between 200-500 dollars per month. The kids aren't starving. They're just growing up to learn that you eat better on the government's dime.On the legal prostitution thing, I should have added manditory drug testing as well as licensing and of course manditory safe sex practices. To date there have been no disease transmissions from legal prostitution. But drug related prostitution is a dangerous mix. And hey if Home Depot and Wal Mart can have drug free workplace requirements , why not "Pussy Depot" , or " Sex Mart"? OK on the illegal alien issue, what the fuck in wrong with trading off the huge expenses of citizenship ( remember my wife is a residnent alien and citizenship is expensive) with learning the most common language (although we have no official language here and should) used in our country? I think they should try and take the price of citizenship down but reqire English speaking as a condition of this . And it's not like speaking two languages isn't actually a great asset to have . But of course having English as the "official language of the US" is a "HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION". Ever seen safety standards being ignored on construction jobs becaucse of lack of communication? I have. But of course the liberal answer is " learn fucking Spanish you racist pig!"I just cringe ever day when I see people working behing counters at stores being embarrassed and feeling bad because they don't speak the languages of the people coming in. It's like they feel guilty for speaking English.SO that wraps up my explainations for my first posts. On to health care , education and the environment next...

Friday, August 27, 2004

solutions...the audio posts 6

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solutions...the audio posts5

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solutions...the audio posts 4

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solutions...the audio posts 3

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solutions...the audio posts 2

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solutions..the audio posts 1

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The Solutions...Part 1

OK Barrie has a point, so over the next few days I will try and map out my "solutions" to the nation's issues.
1) The welfare system-
Limits on benefits. Allow so many years of certain benefits, food stamps of course being the last to go, due to the kids. If the children will suffer, get human services to get involved if the parent is capapble and not working. Manditory or random drug testing on demand of anyone who gets government benefits .A three strikes you're out rehab allowance for drug addicts getting benefits. Manditiory money management and budgeting education.(this could be done as charity work by volunteers) Also set up a special bank for anyone on government benefits that teaches this , to eliminate those damn check cashing places that rip off minorities. Monitioring projector governement homes for drug activity , placing security and make projects gated communities with curfews, government ID's and playgrounds for the children. Maybe even use the national guard folks for security. (just like a military base, not a prison) we have a few gated projects here and when you drive by and see kids playing with no streetcorner drug shit it's beautiful. Liberals hate them, saying they "violate human rights". Well what's better, kids being behind a gate with checkpoints in and out to avoid drug traffic or kids growing up admiring drug dealers ending up in prison, or worse ending up in a wheelchair from drug crime? A military base is subject to government controls. Why not a project home or government housing? Poor money mangement and drug use is the primary reasons for these folks going down hill. Also offer free sterilization with a small extention of benefits to anyone on government programs, becuase if you can't make it with the kids you have you can't make it better with more, unless you're counting on more welfare.
2) Legalize prostitution with manditory aids testing just like Nevada. Use the tax money for health care and research as well as funding the sterilaization procedures. Tougher laws on illegal prostitution.
3) Add a health care costs tax on alcohol, just like they did with cigarettes. The more alcohol content the more tax. Ban alcohol advertising during prime time TV and limit content.
4) concealed firearms carry across the US , with manditiory education and licensing. Anyone carrying illegally will pay fines used in programs , health care etc. Add a tax onto certain classes of ammuntion ( not hardaball ammuntion to encourage marksmanship traning to avoid accidents) Also educate about the types of ammuntion that will not overpenetrate the body, etc. to avoid accident. Free gun locks to anyone.Also the government would be allowed to sell any seized firearms (nt used in crime) to fund firearms eduacation . Portions of thistax would go to health care and eduactional programs.
5) Manditory abortion education and manditory sterilization after three abortions.
6) allow state lotteries to any state who votes for them. money used for education and health care.
7) allow civil unions between gays but no teaching of homosexual practice allowed in schools. Humanism is just as much a religion as Christianity.
8 ) close the border and have a limited amnesty program with the conditions being they aliens must learn English.
That's it for now, the other issues are coming...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Part 7

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Part 6

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Part 5

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Part 4

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Part 3

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Part 2

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Taxes, Money I make nowdays, and Gun Laws...

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Ever Notice...

Ever notice no one uses certain words to run down certain people? Have you ever heard the word "loser" used to describe a black man? Hardly ever. No the word "loser" is usually reffering to white guys. Even after a bad breakup with a black man, many women I know still won't use this term to refer to the guy.They may call him a "thug" or a "player", which is a positive term to some women today. How about "pervert?" Ever hear a black man called a "pervert?" Not very likeley.Not even Clarence Thomas was called a pervert. No he was called an "uncle tom." This is the closest thing the black folks have to a word for loser, the word "scrub" which is not been in use that long. Remember that song" I don't want no scrub , a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me?" If a black guy can't get a job it's looked at at society's fault. A white guy is expected make a lot of money or he's still a "loser." Just pay attention today at all the real double standards out there placed on white men. We are nothing more than tax paying robots who are blamed for ever ill in society. Funny thing is the popularity of black folks in this country has nothing to do with character most of the time. If you're a black filmaker you'd better be running down whitey , then you're a genius. Most folks just like to watch black folks play sports, listen to their music and buy drugs in their bad neighborhoods created by liberal giveaways . Most folks who are so "down with the black folks" are just there for the entertainment value. Just like liberals who feel they're helping blacks by kissing their ass. When is the last time you saw a real black role model on television? Even with the Cosby show you had a black doctor married to a black lawyer . This isn't wnat most black folks I know are doing. Until all people in this country are expected to carry thier weight , carry the tax burden , and quit perpetuating violent crime we will never get it right. Black males account for most of the violent crime in this country. That is a statistical fact.Why? Society doesn't place any demands or expectations on them as a whole. Just watch anytime a black male does anything great how whites feel they owe them some great "respect".It's becuase they don't expect much from black males to start with. Want to have "black male" control, rather than "gun control?" Maybe these guys like Jesse Jackson and Sharpton need to spend more time looking at injustices done in the black community by their own people. I see black folks as more than "sports" or "music" folks. They are a people who had a lot of bad things come their way. But is kissing ass really helping make a change? Oh well , I guess a democrat in the whitehouse will heal the world. The way they did with all the programs that keeps blacks poor, ignorant , and VOTING DEMOCRAT.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Definition of a True Liberal

Liberal: One who condones anything that doesn't hurt animals, minorities ,any religion other than christianity, gays or plants. And condone anything that hurts or takes from white working taxpaying American males , or anyone involved in a religion worshipping "Christ".

No Kids Played Like That!!!

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Pot Smokers 2

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Pot Smokers

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Sunday, August 22, 2004

I'm not confused...

If you've read any of my stuff before, you know I'm a republican who has worked in the porn /strip club/ sex club industry as well as been raised in christian /catholic/ jewish education due to my background. I have see what rampant "following" and a totally uncontrolled liberal mindset can do to a person's life. If the liberals think they are really helping folks by allowing the world to have no boundaries , it's because many of them may be more "intellegent" and therfore do not suffer because of their idealism. But they never see the countless blind who have ruined their lives because they feel there are no boundaries , no price to pay for the drugs, unfortunate abortions, and yes , sex lives they have lived. How do I know? I lived it. I am no fanatic of religeon either. Just a man who has learned and suffered for my mistakes as well as mistakes of others. I think this hate towards Bush is so misdirected. War is bad. I knew right after Afghanastan that we'd go to Iraq. It's just how the system works. I just think it's insane how all these folks benefit from" the system " make all this shit up to be a big conspiracy. Of course Bush went there for other reasons as well. I don't deny that. We give weapons to these folks. We helped create Noriega , Bin Lauden , because at the time they were helping us acheive our goals. Democrats as well as Republicans used "the system". So until you're ready to stop buying goods made by child labor in third world countries ( rember my wife and her family are from Cambodia and Laos) , stop using oil and petrolium products, suffer from drug crime brought about and perpetuated by a welfare system out of control as well as "free speech" thug life rap lyrics, and quit eating any meat, as well as using any drugs or alcohol , or working for a corporation that does "evil" somewhere , then quit judging a system your fat American asses are living off of. My opinions are based on REALITY situations , what happens in real life when you do this/ that. Not what "would be nice in the land of OZ, Barney and Star Trek". You people who think you're saving the world are destroying free thought. THERE IS NO FREE THOUGHT IN LIBERALISM YOU PEOPLE JUST FOOL YOURSELVES INTO THINKING THERE IS. The liberal thought processes are about as complicated as a bumper sticker. Morals and boundaries in life as a starting point, even if you "fuck up" you at least need a map. If we wipe out every foundation of morality and rules we have no starting point. Even if we get abortions, murder someone, do drugs, etc. without anyone acting as if we are wrong (unless we're George Bush) and saying " I'm OK , You're OK" we will never have any hopes of a structured society. Read ALL MY STUFF before you judge me. You may learn somthing. I listen to Air America, watch CNN , listen to rap music , and I work in the sex industry.I listen to every liberal media outlet and I listen to all the opinions.I live in an ethnic neighborhood with racially diverse children. My life is engulfed in what a liberal would call "paradise" . But I survived this shit because I had conservative values that made more sense in the long run. You won't find very many people like me who have been so far on both sides of the fence and aren't brainwashed either way. I know what works. I also know what half these people say who call themselves liberals have no clue what's going on down here in the aftermath is bullshit. Maybe they are idealistic or sheltered, but they never see the abuse that goes on in the name of liberal values. I look at them the same way Al Franken looks at Pat Robertson. Both are out of touch. Both have easy , end all solutions that never work in the real world. Just look at how many liberals are rich, or celeberties or drug addicted musicians. These folks have no idea what a regular person goes through getting their car stolen at the grocery store, paying high ass taxes on groceries so a woman on crack can have kids with state healthcare who grow up and rob you . Then they dump your car in the ghetto, car insurance deducatable is high becuase insurance is high because of the damn illegal aliens getting licenses here. So the damages to the car ( ripped out steering column and locks) are just under the deductable. So you have to come up with a week's pay to fix the car. Then the police are rude to you because they don't have time for your report. Then they lie and say "no signs of forced entry " on you busted up car when they caught the black guys who stole it because the guys lied and said you "loaned" them the car(yeah right I'm sitting in the parking lot with a 200 dollar cart full of groceries looking for my car and I let these guys "borrow" it) the cop is afraid of a "racist" lawsuit and doesn't want to file all the paperwork anyway so he lets them go, takes your car to the impound lot where you have to pay to get it back. When the cop comes to the house to file the follow up report, he's blocked in by constant drug traffic across the street at the neighbor's . When you ask him why they do nothing about this he says that they can't bust him because of some bullshit laws about "harassment" of minorities (caused by liberals). And to top it all off , these people want ME to give up my guns rights while there are black men kicking doors in all over the neighborhood ( one was shot by two women up my street last month) , all convicted felons who have criminal records and aren't supposed to have guns. Does Al Franken, Ben Affleck , John Kerry and the rest of them go home to this "liberal " conspiracy to destroy a decent life of a man who works six days a week? Yeah I know what a liberal will say. If you don't like it "move" . Well I can't afford to move , and even if I did it would still hurt people across this country. Well liberals, if you don't like it here , then whay the fuck don't you guys move to a socialist country . Or go to a middle east country and see how they "love" gays and animal rights.Micheal Moore wrote a book called "Dude Where's My Country" well "Dude" it's over the ocean and it collapsed. It's called the USSR. And why are they writing these ads that say " The Communists had Pravda the Republicans have FOX?" Aren't the communists their role models? Just some things to think about...

I put this picture here 1) to show people a lot of big boobs 2) to create liberal confusion. OK , acceptable by "liberal" standards? Well, these are women doing what they want with their bodies, just like women getting abortions, these women lke putting implants in their body. BUT WAIT!!! No they can't be that way!!! It doesn't support feminist liberal causes!!!But , uh uh they're naked, just like the hippies used to get . Oh I see why liberals have a problem now. They are MAKING MONEY with their bodies which is a "capitalist" or "republican" thing. Maybe liberals are against big business and big boobs and business using big boobs. Posted by Hello

This is an answer to the ad the liberals did about Fox news...Funny , like I said before, they can dish out films like Michel Moore does, create one lie after another, on propaganda after another. But anyone says anything different they ALL start crying. Freedom of speech is just for "The enlightened ones" who worship worldly excesses, value animal and plant life over human life, and bow to socialism. Then you can say what you want. It's "Freedom of Speech"... Posted by Hello

What's Happening...

I went to the club this weekend and ran into a guy I knew from the porn business named Daniel. He used to do movies with Sierra, this black girl who used to dance down here, who's now a big porn star. The day before a woman who sometimes works for us says to me, "Tony you're too young to have the experiences you say you have had". This lady is about 3 or 4 years older than me, Has a straight job etc. and her and her husband are swingers. I felt like shit because I cannot stand when someone questions the shit I say , basically trying to act as if it doesn't matter if I'm a "bullshitter" they still find me "entertaining". Now I knew life would end up this way. So I saved fucking every ad, took every picture I could take, and did everything I could to preserve my history. As time passes , my stories seem more and more unrealistic, due to the times I lived in changing as the adult industry is taken over by ex Denny's night manager's. No more gunfights, car bombs, riots, no more crazy hhh cup breasted porn stars trashing hotels and getting kicked off of airplanes. No more 14 hour car trips to the club near the ocean on a tour , then walking down the beach trying to escort a girl in a bikini with balloon tits down the beach while little kids stare ,horny idiots go nuts, and mom's get mad as hell we're even there. No more fighting legislation,dealing with gangsters, owners in jail, talking 18 year old girls into going home when they waited until 12 AM outside the club to turn 18 so they could "audition".No more getting phonecalls 24/7 from dancers and their moms, husbands , kids and boyfriends asking for support and advice. The funny thing is , when my friend Daniel appeared at the club doing "s & m" sessions for some of the other employees, a lot of memories of the crazy life came back. The day after I was called a "bullshitter" by a actually nice lady , a guy comes in who tells me the same shit happend to him. We are guys who have no credibility around the "real" world because the "real " world folks think they know more about how people like us have lived than we do. I feel a type of lonliness sometimes, that comes from the fact that I am becoming older and feeling like the old dying man on the movie " Big Fish" or the old men in "Secondhand Lions" . I tell stories that are 100 percent true, if anything watered down to avoid my incrimination , and people kind of smile and thinking " man this guy is a "character" (as the old folks say). Sometimes I think I should stop. Just reinvent myself and become a preacher who says "fuck" a lot. The way I feel is the same reason putting a mob guy in witness protection almost never works. The guy goes back to who he was because losing "the life" isn't as bad as losing the understanding and credibility you even get from your enemies becuase they know where you've been. Most guys get out of places I've been through a bullet, OD or whatever. I just hope when I die , all the characters from my stories show up . Then maybe I won't look so crazy. But hey it's not so bad, I have a hot wife and a family , etc. I get the bills paid. What more is there? I guess to those who don't know me and never knew the "life" I could at least be a source of entertainment. But sometimes when I'm talking my shit and looking at someone who has that condescending smile on, I just remember there's 3 ballbats in the car, a gun in my pocket and one on my ankle. Whenever I need to go back, I guess the red phone is always there. Just watch who you call a liar...

Friday, August 20, 2004

You Heard It Here First...

I think I should start a new trend. A trend called "outing". Since the hollywood actors are so protected from being "outed" by anyone else in hollywood the common folks have to do it. See if an actor is gay , they will not be outed until they are ready even though Hollywood knows they are. Why? Because it's just the rule there. If you outed someone, you'd never get work in Hollywood again due to the vast amount of gays who control the industry. Think about it . Ever watch a "E True Hollywood Story" and notice all the gay folks in the past who were never outed by the Hollywood community? The closest anyone ever came to discussing this system was Mario Puzo, author of the Godfather, who in his books many times would paint pictures of Hollywood movie studio owners as pedophiles who loved young boys and constantly sought after them. But no book he ever wrote that went into great detail about this ever got published. I think in "The Godfather" novel there may be a reference to this. I do remember is the novel there was a vast discussion of Sonny's penis size and talk of how Lucy Mancini couldn't feel any other man's penis etc. Then she met a man who paid for her to have "vaginal surgery". Never saw that in the trilogy did you? READ THE BOOK... Anyway my point is I think Puzo was a simple man from Sicily and no one told him he wasn't supposed to talk about the freaks he met in Hollywood. But I think if a person who was a fan and not anyone who relied on Hollywood execs for a living did research they could out these people. Why do it? Well they all want to tell me how to live MY LIFE , so why should I trust a person who lives A LIE? The two biggest gays are two of the highest paid male/ female actors today. Forget that one has been "married". Rember there are actors. Elton John was married to a woman in the 80's and I rember it like yesterday when I argued as a young child he liked boys not girls and how his marriage was a scam. I also remember when Boy George tried to say the drag thing was only a "gimmick" and he was straight. George Micheal , Rosie O' Donnell , I outed all these folks and was told I was crazy. Why is it these folks are so "brave" when they come out, when they made their whole career pretending to be straight? Be brave before you start your career , see how far you get with the truth. Another reason kids are deciding to try homosexuality and then of course tell everyone they've "found themselves to always be this way" is because the idiots come out after they have gained fans and acceptance, thus making fans start to accept gays more freely . I mean after all, these people are people who entertained us, so maybe gays are OK. Gay acceptance is fueled by popular gays coming out. I got two names for you today. Clooney and Roberts... You figure it out...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Gay Animals on a Swift Boat...3

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Gay Animals on a Swift Boat...2

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Gay Animals on a Swift Boat...

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Oprah Windfrey is a CUNT...

I want to vomit from the deepest regions of my gut , puke from my soul whenever I even hear Oprah's voice. This self centered cunt awakens feelings of absolute anger in me that are unexplainable. Her love and worship of her own presence is so evident , and her fake persona makes it even more sickening. To top it all off , the stupid bitch has the gaul and "all knowing" bullshit so ingrained in her mind that she thinks her fake ass tone and bullshit is actually fooling people. But not me. I can read through her like her fat ass is made of crystal. I was so sick of the shit today, as they showed her doing "jury duty" and bragging about her fucking 50 grand handbags or whatever. Oprah is a prime example of what a backstabbing self centered piece of trash can do today just like John Kerry is an example of what a guy who lies, manipulates a stupid women (or women) and plays the system can do in politics. Both have no character, but talk a lot about what should be done, and wag fingers at everyone else all while being pretty full of themselves. I bitch about a lot of shit. But I suffered through it. Kerry did 4 months in Vietnam. I've done a whole life of bullet dodging , dealing with the aftermath of drugs and do gooder bullshit and hippie liberal crap that has tried to consume everything I love. It's people like this who enable those folks who are destroying our way of life to prosper. "Those who know all yet suffer nothing of the worlds they create". This is the reality. I just love it how when a minority female makes money, like Oprah or "J Lo (Ho) " they flaunt it with golden diamond encrusted toilet seats and other ignorant purchases. If a "white " person bought it they would be called "eccentric." It's like the world says " Hey you're a stupid black/ hispanic/ etc. who made it big! We're so fucking proud of you, you're such a wonderful show animal for us all to admire. Please proceed to do any fucking thing you want with a low classed attitude while we say how great it is you beat all the "adversity" you must have had because of your race. " These people are basically showing themselves for who they are and were before the money, living their lives in the style of trailer trash winning the lottery and proceeding to buy two double wides and put them on top of each other. The shit attitude is there , the stupid ass "flaunting" is there, and the egos are 15 times the size of anyone else who made it , simply because of the ass kissing our country does with any minority who does anything past not commiting a crime or paying taxes ( which is not considered a "duty" of any minority ). It's like " damn , you are not on food stamps so you are such a great black woman". We have no real expectations of black folks in this country other than them throwing a ball in a hoop or dancing and singing for our entertainment. So no matter what we have those liberal raised morons who must constantly engage in positive reinforcement any time an acheivement is made. This bullshit made Oprah. Oprah just had the right timing. Would a black woman like her make it in a non guilt ridden over slavery country ? NOT FUCKING LIKELEY...

Must be a liberal conspiracy...

Well I've posted about 6 audio post in the past two days, and guess what ? Nothing. The fucking thing is not working. I had about been posting some great angry stuff about people who used to be in the closet , a true story women sucking off 32-40 plus guys upstairs at the club, and the state of bad language. And now I'm too mad to try it again...yet. I hate when I can't get the audio to work, because I'm so fucking busy sometimes It's the only thing that works. I've got like 10 minutes left now, so I'm going to test the audioblog thing. So if I'm lucky it will work...

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I was so "intimidated"or "Please Lord Can I Sit Over There For A Minute?" 2

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I was so "intimidated"or "Please Lord Can I Sit Over There For A Minute?"

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Sunday, August 15, 2004

I was Exstatic and Pissed off at the same time...

Finally.. The shit I have been telling my wife should be done , somthing I didn't have the finances to pull off , the film that needed to be made... " Michael Moore Hates America" ...SOMEONE FINALLY DID IT! I was so happy , I was so full of this "christmas morning at four years old" feeling.Yet I was also mad because I didn't do it. This is what needed to be done, Moore's bullshit turned on him. Liberals can NEVER EVER EVER handle THEIR tactics used on them. Just look at how Whoopie Goldberg and the rest of the hippie fucks and drug addict musicians have been whining about their " freedom of speech" (which they were allowed to have , just had to deal with the way their "speech" pissed others off, and they used their freedom to tell them they don't need their services)I'm sure this will still be turned around by the liberals as a guy with "sour grapes" over Moore's "freedom of speech" , thus they will call this guy's freedom of speech an "attack on freedom of speech". See Liberals LOVE freedom of speech unless someone says somthing they don't want to hear, then they try to order their destruction. Freedom of speech has been turned around to justify everything from public sex shows to flag burning. But the second amendment is totally "questionable" to them, when during those times everyone was allowed to own weapons, nowdays they use the "militia" thing in the amendment to twist to gun prohibition. If they wanted guns outlawed by this amendment, they would have taken them back then. I guess just as the liberals feel we need to limit free speech to "the enlightened ones" (drug addicts gays hippies and unrealistic others) because we are now more modern , they feel we should give our rights up to the "militia" of the national guard, military and police. Well guess who controls the militia ? The liberals favorite president , George Bush. Well if they hate Bush so much why would they want him controlling all the weapons? The police do a shitty job of protecting my rights here, and if we didn't have guns it would probably be worse. So check out the link and write back...

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Mindless entertainment... Just stuff to look at besides tits... Posted by Hello

And Here's an Ad for "menages"... Posted by Hello

Don't let anyone ever tell you Asian girls "have no ass" Posted by Hello

It's all in the weather...

This is my favorite kind of day. I think it is because I was born this time of year. I hate getting any older, and it took me the first 23 years of my life to realize that life wasn't gonna just "start". I spent a great deal feeling like the gun went off for the race and I was sitting there with my eyes closed and opened them and all of the sudden everyone else, even the spectators had left me there. On a day like today. I even talked to the Jehovah's witnesses this morning. I have spent a few weeks around some old ghosts. Old ideas and old friends, enemies and aquaintences. I laughed and joked with a guy who was on the other side of our gun barrels three years ago.Met his wife. Hell , I've worked for guys and with guys I've been shot at by before. Now I'm not 40 yet. Still got a few years , not many but a few until then. I watch my parents, remember the fighting, and see they still have each other. They now have no parents. I think about how one day my parents could be gone, If I outlive them, and see how it passes on , you get old , wife /husband dies, everyone you know , and then it just keeps going. That's how it is if you live to be old. I love my wife. She is more than a beautiful woman to me, she is my friend and makes me laugh. I hope if the time comes we lose our parents we are still here for each other. I don't mind when folks check her out. I get irritated whenever guys try to look as if they could "get her away" from me by "throwing game". I don't play games , games are for children. But every man knows when his women is being hit on and the guy involved just sees you as an obstacle who needs to be realistic and leave the room so nature can "take it's course". And this pisses me off, that another man can totally discount me and think my woman is nothing but an "oppourtunist" . This is the women I want there when I have to deal with the rest of my life. And I cannot stand that constant "player" mentality that's based in ignorant minds of people who fall for the whole ghetto lie that they are this male "sex object." Problem is some women actaully see that as "confidence" . Just like guys who are insecure and bisexual being looked at as they are "secure with themselves " by women who just don't get it.I have been with some very beautiful women in my life, but my wife is the overall best package of beauty and being a mom and taking care of me. I have been thinking about lots of folks I've passed along the way , and been spending time with Shawn and my wife and the "crew" . We close Menages down at 2 AM , and have been going into Babes to visit. I have run into old customers , old dancers, old friends. Saw a girl we called "Psycho Sadie" , used to date my old manager . Think about all the folks I used to hang with , the old stories. And I realize my mother's father was right. Before he died he told me, " Getting old is basically remembering things. The more memories you have , sometimes the older you feel inside. Because it doesn't make much more sense at 80 than it did at 18 when it's all over. You learn why life is what it is, and realize making sense of everything is never gonna happen. So just enjoy the stories of your life." My dad told me, " Most people make their mistakes becuase they are waiting for life to "happen". It already happened. You do what you have to do and that's it. Life is fame for some folks and working for others. If you're a billionare, you can afford to be a drug addict. If you're not rich never try drugs, because you can't afford that shit as a habit. Bill Gates can do coke everyday. But these other folks,even these pretty girls are gonna quit getting it free one day when they lose their looks and everyone else will get killed or go to jail. "Last night I was sitting outside last night, laughing and entertaining my coworkers, putting on the "Grieco show" of just being me. Folks who know me and know I make them laugh with my crazy shit all these years always say I should do a damn show. I really cannot do so much of my "comedy type shit" here, that side of my personality is hard to put here. But I think of it this way, my life is constantly "happening". I have loved to entertain folks my whole life, and many folks have looked at me as "wasted potential" due to whatever reason. I wish sometimes I was making more money and I had more "fame" in my life because I love to entertain people and love the "rush"of being "off the hook" as myself. But I look at all the folks I have passed as think maybe I will be remebered as more special than I would be if I was "famous". Because the legend tends to grow every few years. There is nothing like running into old co workers and hearing stories of crazy shit you did times 10 . When I woke up from a nap the other day, I smelled my wife's cooking and walked into the kitchen and thought, "It doesn't get better." I remember my mom's cooking as a child and now I feel strange sometimes as a new woman I wake up to is cooking for me . My wife is the first woman in my life of many who actually gave me that feeling, the food, the way we sleep in the bed, even the way we argue at times all feelis like home. So I know where I should be. Life started . Guess what ? I opened my eyes again and the people were there at the race. It was over and trophies were given out . I sat down, had a glass of water and said, " This isn't my race..."

Thursday, August 12, 2004


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And Yet Again...

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