Ever Notice...
Ever notice no one uses certain words to run down certain people? Have you ever heard the word "loser" used to describe a black man? Hardly ever. No the word "loser" is usually reffering to white guys. Even after a bad breakup with a black man, many women I know still won't use this term to refer to the guy.They may call him a "thug" or a "player", which is a positive term to some women today. How about "pervert?" Ever hear a black man called a "pervert?" Not very likeley.Not even Clarence Thomas was called a pervert. No he was called an "uncle tom." This is the closest thing the black folks have to a word for loser, the word "scrub" which is not been in use that long. Remember that song" I don't want no scrub , a scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me?" If a black guy can't get a job it's looked at at society's fault. A white guy is expected make a lot of money or he's still a "loser." Just pay attention today at all the real double standards out there placed on white men. We are nothing more than tax paying robots who are blamed for ever ill in society. Funny thing is the popularity of black folks in this country has nothing to do with character most of the time. If you're a black filmaker you'd better be running down whitey , then you're a genius. Most folks just like to watch black folks play sports, listen to their music and buy drugs in their bad neighborhoods created by liberal giveaways . Most folks who are so "down with the black folks" are just there for the entertainment value. Just like liberals who feel they're helping blacks by kissing their ass. When is the last time you saw a real black role model on television? Even with the Cosby show you had a black doctor married to a black lawyer . This isn't wnat most black folks I know are doing. Until all people in this country are expected to carry thier weight , carry the tax burden , and quit perpetuating violent crime we will never get it right. Black males account for most of the violent crime in this country. That is a statistical fact.Why? Society doesn't place any demands or expectations on them as a whole. Just watch anytime a black male does anything great how whites feel they owe them some great "respect".It's becuase they don't expect much from black males to start with. Want to have "black male" control, rather than "gun control?" Maybe these guys like Jesse Jackson and Sharpton need to spend more time looking at injustices done in the black community by their own people. I see black folks as more than "sports" or "music" folks. They are a people who had a lot of bad things come their way. But is kissing ass really helping make a change? Oh well , I guess a democrat in the whitehouse will heal the world. The way they did with all the programs that keeps blacks poor, ignorant , and VOTING DEMOCRAT.