The Solutions...Part 1
OK Barrie has a point, so over the next few days I will try and map out my "solutions" to the nation's issues.1) The welfare system-
Limits on benefits. Allow so many years of certain benefits, food stamps of course being the last to go, due to the kids. If the children will suffer, get human services to get involved if the parent is capapble and not working. Manditory or random drug testing on demand of anyone who gets government benefits .A three strikes you're out rehab allowance for drug addicts getting benefits. Manditiory money management and budgeting education.(this could be done as charity work by volunteers) Also set up a special bank for anyone on government benefits that teaches this , to eliminate those damn check cashing places that rip off minorities. Monitioring projector governement homes for drug activity , placing security and make projects gated communities with curfews, government ID's and playgrounds for the children. Maybe even use the national guard folks for security. (just like a military base, not a prison) we have a few gated projects here and when you drive by and see kids playing with no streetcorner drug shit it's beautiful. Liberals hate them, saying they "violate human rights". Well what's better, kids being behind a gate with checkpoints in and out to avoid drug traffic or kids growing up admiring drug dealers ending up in prison, or worse ending up in a wheelchair from drug crime? A military base is subject to government controls. Why not a project home or government housing? Poor money mangement and drug use is the primary reasons for these folks going down hill. Also offer free sterilization with a small extention of benefits to anyone on government programs, becuase if you can't make it with the kids you have you can't make it better with more, unless you're counting on more welfare.
2) Legalize prostitution with manditory aids testing just like Nevada. Use the tax money for health care and research as well as funding the sterilaization procedures. Tougher laws on illegal prostitution.
3) Add a health care costs tax on alcohol, just like they did with cigarettes. The more alcohol content the more tax. Ban alcohol advertising during prime time TV and limit content.
4) concealed firearms carry across the US , with manditiory education and licensing. Anyone carrying illegally will pay fines used in programs , health care etc. Add a tax onto certain classes of ammuntion ( not hardaball ammuntion to encourage marksmanship traning to avoid accidents) Also educate about the types of ammuntion that will not overpenetrate the body, etc. to avoid accident. Free gun locks to anyone.Also the government would be allowed to sell any seized firearms (nt used in crime) to fund firearms eduacation . Portions of thistax would go to health care and eduactional programs.
5) Manditory abortion education and manditory sterilization after three abortions.
6) allow state lotteries to any state who votes for them. money used for education and health care.
7) allow civil unions between gays but no teaching of homosexual practice allowed in schools. Humanism is just as much a religion as Christianity.
8 ) close the border and have a limited amnesty program with the conditions being they aliens must learn English.
That's it for now, the other issues are coming...