More on the political front. more solutions posts coming(and other stuff thrown in on RNC)
Well I have been slow to write the rest of my article becuase I have been busy as hell. I have also been returning comments on two sites. One is ownit.blogspot, where I misspelled a reply so I got the "You misspelled shit so you're stupid " thing. These are the "we are the smart , cool liberals and Bush is dumb" crowd. My reply was somthing about I am tired and busy and missspell shit when in a hurry. Like Bush misspeaks sometimes. Or Kerry as well, whe he says he was in Nam during King's assasination when he wasn't in until a few months after he died.(speaking to black people) Or how they had a dog on the swift boat who was blown off by a mine and rescued , a dog that was never spoken of before or again by either parties in the boat contraversey. (speaking to animal rights folks)BUT SEE I COULD GIVE A FUCK ABOUTH THE PETTY SWIFT BOAT/NATIONAL GUARD/VIETNAM SERVICE CRAP, IT'S JUST A DIVISIVE TACTICT ANDI AM NOT BUYING INTO THE ARGUMENT EITHER WAY BECAUSE IT'S ALL BULLSHIT. Bad enough I talked about it this much. It's obvious these guys are both rich kids who were scared of war and tried to get out. Would we really want a hardened soldier in office anyway? Even talk to the average hardcore marine for example? OK great in a fight, a lot of them make good employees, but running a country? Soldiers are for war. The guys that send them almost never saw the real hardcore war. Maybe they were in the war , but not in the thick of battle for years. On the RNC, I knew they would use McCain and Guiliani, I have been predicting these two will end up running next time for the Republican party. Only strong Republicans left. They are moderate as well, whicih is the only thing that the country may agree on.But they also have the potential of swinging the party from it's base. Laura Bush is a lady. She said one of the coolest things I heard a first lady say in an interview. They asked her if she dissagreeed with her husband. She said she wouldn't publicly acknowledge it if she did. It was his name on the ticket, not hers. Finally a woman who isn't using her husband's political gains to push her own interests and showcase herself. Women who are really strong have their own role and their own place. Why compete when there is no competition needed? Well I gotta work , so hjave a great day and write back...