Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
OK one of our cats is dead...
Probably hit by the drug traffic. Just let her out to run around and when we got back from the store she was dead in the street. We had her a short time but the kids loved her. We buried her in the back yard. Held hands and sent her to "cat heaven". Oh well. Nothing I can do now. Usually when we let the cats out of the house they just hang on the porch. She must have taken a walk across the street and gotten hit. We live on a corner street in a cul-de-sac. The only place anyone is coming and going about now is the dope dealer's house. Either people are pulling up or he's constantly switching cars and driving like a bat out of hell and coming back every 5 to 20 minutes. The "old grandma" cat is still alive. Hope she stays that way. I fucking hate kids having to experience death of any kind. But it happens. You guys take care.Tough Talk...
There'a a lot of "tough talk" in this world. I have been through that shit since I was a little kid getting bullied by 4 kids on the playground. As I learned to fight back no matter what the odds, and as I started winning, the bullies started crying louder and louder until I, the "outnumbered inferior" was labeled the "bully". I remember getting kicked out of public school after beating down 2 guys who were more than twice my size with a fiberglass top desk. These guys attacked me first, and thought making a joke out of me in class while the teacher was out would be fun. As I was yelling at the fucking idiots that run the school, telling the principal I'll fucking kill him if he doesn't get the fuck out of my face, the two bullies sat there,nursing their wounds perfectly calm looking like two model football players. Looking at me as if I had an "anger management" problem. Every adult and student suddenly branded me as a "psycho", simply because I didn't allow two cunt motherfucker spoiled brat kids beat me down and make a joke out of me. I still ended up being a joke, because I was kicked out of school and branded a "troubled kid with a violence problem". I went to private school for the rest of the year, then was allowed back for my senior year at the old school. The guys I had beaten had graduated. One of them became a bully cop. The other became a town drunk. I fucking left the whole shithole behind and went out on my own to be in the adult business. I'm never invited to the class reunion, mostly because I know the guy who plans them is actually gay because he used to live with a stripper who worked for me who always talked about her" fat gay roomate". One day he came in, looking like a poor Rosie O' Donell impersonator. They both lived in the next state, and the dancer he lived with drove an hour and a half just to work for me. I guess he wants to live a "seperate life" from his gay persona. So that's all right with me. I don't want to see any of those losers anyway. The point is, he was another person who was popular in school who started shit on me. This guy used to talk shit about my mom dropping me off in a mercedes. My dad had just started making money then , we weren't poor anymore and he was proud of the car.As kids we were used to walking everywhere when we lived in the inner city, and we didn't have cars. When we moved to what I call the "sticks", all the kids had new cars at 15 years old. Except me. My mom dropped my brother off at Jr. High first and he was a spoiled brat so he always got to sit in the front seat. So when I would get dropped off at high school (which was a block over) I would get out of the back of the mercedes every day. Kids used to act like I was playing like I had a "chauffer" and I was weird because I'd always sit in the back seat. This fat gay guy was the ring leader of that shit. Funny when I made fun of his fat gay ass years later walking into my strip club I'm a "bully" and a "homophobic asshole". Same thing with another situation. The piece of shit who helped cost me my strip club and married some piece of shit crack whore I used to support finally got fucked over and divorced. These fucking idiots called my home screaming at me and blaming me for all their marital problems a couple of years ago. I haven't had a fucking thing to do with either of these junkies the whole time. I'm blamed for her drug addiction when I'm 100 percent drug free and I kicked her out of my life for bringing drugs around me in the first place. SO when she ended up getting knocked up by another guy and leaving this idiot I happen to say somthing to the effect of " well I guess I wasn't the reason for all their problems". And again I'm called a "bully". Funny when they were shitting on me everyone looked on the "bright side" of the situation. And when I got my first divorce they were gloating and making jokes about hosting my ex wife's "divorce party" at my old club. Yet I helped both of these idiots on many occasions and never once backstabbed or fucked them over. And back then, folks took up for their gloating and bad behavior when I was having personal problems. But I say one fucking word and I'm a "bully". It all boils down to one big popularity contest. People know I'm still going to get things done and go about my business no matter what motherfuckers try to shut me down, so they feel I'm in effect "stronger" than these other types and therfore never a "victim". Which to a degree is true. But sometimes I tire of always being the "bigger man". I have seen a lot of people talk shit about how "bad" or "tough" they are, and a guy like me shuts them down because I know what it feels like to lose. Therfore I will fight harder and smarter than the other types because everything I got was hard earned. I know what it's like to have nothing, or to have no friends and be on your own, or own a business that's like your fucking family and have it snatched from you. Then your "family" turns on you and you gotta re build. There is very little loyalty in this world. I am so tired of fucking assholes with personalities on loan from "the man show" who have nothing to talk about but " how about that game " bullshit. The world is full of these "nobody can take my ass" motherfuckers who are secure in their stupid ass life where there wife tells them what they want to hear, they go out with "the guys" and watch sports and try to act the part of a "man". These are the same motherfuckers whose wives are fucking everyone at the office. There are two types of people. 1) people who are clueless and don't give a fuck 2) people who give a damn and know better. For example, the same motherfuker that made fun of me because my first wife left me was cluess about his own whore. I always assume nothing in life is perfect, and there is no assurance that things will always be the same. Yet these motherfuckers who are like " That shit won't happen to me, you're weak and stupid , I CONTROL MY FUCKING LIFE " are the ones who take the biggest fall, and get all the sympathy. Like "Oh poor Jeff, they seemed like the perfect couple, I feel so bad for him" but a guy like me who knows shit can go either way is said " Oh well man, you should have known that shit, you're an idiot". Yet guys like me do know the possiblities, and don't think we got life "all sewed up". Don't get me wrong, I got balls and self confidence and I know I'm the fucking best. But it still doesn't mean people in my life can't be brought in by other liars and fucks who are less than myself. FOR EXAMPLE:These fucks who would just assume try and fuck my wife behind my back while they got their so called "perfectly under control" wife situation at home are never blamed for their assholish behavior. It's like "It's not his fault , your wife must be giving him signals" Oh of course, because this guy is a "winner" and "has it all under control". THIS TYPE OF GUY IS JUST LYING TO HIMSELF. So let's say "Jeff" get's caught cheating, and they split up, and two years later a guy like me starts dating his ex wife. All the "friends of Jeff" would say " Oh but they still love each other etc. and you need to accept that" and any move Jeff would make on his wife while she's seeing someone else is "fair game" . These types are constantly enabled by stupid women and ass kissers. Yet the same "jeff" when he's being sneaky and trying to fuck someone else's wife, is considered a "great guy". Sometimes it isn't easy being a real man who pays attention to how life works. You're expected to play by the rules. And if you ever "get out of line" the whole world is your enemy. Now think about that one, and figure it all out...Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Check out this link...
This is a link to a link... a site that has a short documentary called "pallywood" about how they stage all the PLO bullshit on the news. It shows behind the scenes shit from stuff they put on 60 minutes. Most of the propoganda comes from French television and other liberal sources. Anyway after this post I'm taking a break from the "I hate black culture" argument. The one guy who made sense is a non-slave descendant black guy who isn't into hip hop culture so he's not part of the problem. The problem is the "entitled" folks we have here. If any of you people think the things I speak of that go on here aren't possible, just look at the LA riots or the hurricane looting to get an example of the day to day mentality of the folks who cause my trouble. DO you actually think those people just took to looting and killing and raping each other just because of the situation at hand? Those kind of belief systems are ingrained in a group of folks a lot longer than the week of the hurricane. The "worst" in some folks that's brought out is worse in some groups than others. Just like an open door of oppourtunity invites a thief. Now how many of you folks would rape women just because there was a crisis? No people , these are people taking advantage of a chance to do what was already in their hearts to start with. How many decent folks do you know who'd rape a female seeking refuge from a major disaster? Where were the rapes in the world trade center rubble? What about in the Florida hurricanes last season, where the population was predomanatly white? No rapes, no stealing nike's. It's all about where your values are. And hip hop says to take advantage of the weak. And take what's yours. And get the best jewelry, clothes and cars you can. Same reason all those 2000 dollar red cross /fema debit cards turned up at expensive stores selling "rich folks" stuff. I don't go out buying shit I can't afford while I got a food stamp card. Three of my neighbors , all single black moms have a Lexus. And a food stamp card. One owns a hair salon and cheats on taxes. SHe was arguing with the girl at Kroger's about why she cannot get Boone's Farm wine on a food stamp card. Good thing she also had "families first" free money on her card. She was bitching because she had to use her government CASH entiltlement she also gets on her EBT (food stamp) card to buy alcohol and cigarrettes. She was like " Dis is bullshit I got to use MY MONEY for these wine and cigarettes" She was wearing nice clothes , had about 4 diamond rings on and has an 04 lexus. The money she gets is not really "her money" but money she gets from the government for having a child that has a deadbeat dad. The state pays the child support for him. I never realized she was my neighbor until she threw that fit in the Kroger's line. I knew she looked familiar. She pulled in right in front of me 2 houses down. Then I started paying attention to all the other folks who live here and found out how everyone gets 500 bucks a month in free groceries. I've told this story before, and I'll keep telling it until someone fucking stops this type of abuse of MY tax dollars. SO think about that one...Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
The crazy thing is...
Look at what I do. What other blog can you go to, insult the owner, and get back huge replies and valid arguments back? I really believe in the things I put out here.Another reply I had to post...
Here's the next comment from "sacha" ...i'm sorry we got off to a bad start - I just want to get in your pants, couldn't you see?
Sacha | 09.18.05 - 4:10 am | #
and HERE is my reply...
Now THAT'S creative sarcasm. And I can respect that more than your other method. You actually pulled off a better reply than the old "cocksucker" bullshit. The only thing that weakens any argument or comeback you have is you're still not putting out anything on your end. You have no site of your own or give any form of an identity. If I go after Kanye West , for example, I give reasons why and identify myself. If I call someone a "cocksucker" in the form of an insult, you know who you're dealing with. Yet people come on here , state they're "German" or "Australian" and then try to tell me they don't agree with me. Well fine. In America you're allowed to disagree with all straight white men, George Bush, any condservative or anyone who's against hollywood assholes. You're free to express yourself as long as you're not being "racist"(saying anything that may hit home , demand accountability or demand social responsibility for any menber of a minority, primarily black males) , "gay bashing" (speaking your mind by pointing out improper behavior or improper attitudes of someone who chooses to fuck their own sex) or "religeous" (other than Islam, because that would be a form of racism because they've whined they way into the pollitically correct force field). The thing that really pisses me off, is if I were gay, or black , or a bleeding heart liberal, anyone who didn't agree with me could be looked down on as "mean", "homphobic" or "racist" and I would be seen as a constant victim. Because I stand on my own and speak my mind against ALL injustices against MY People ( those who WORK HARD and want to be left in CONTROL of a country they are BUILDING , not DESTROYING or RAPING or LOOTING ) I have to catch hell form idiots who really don't ever THINK about the fact I MAY JUST HAVE A POINT. They are so brainwashed that the moment they hear a so called "racist" or "homphobic" etc. statement they shut out all logic. I HAVE to CONSTANTLY HEAR IN ALL MEDIA, AND IN ALL FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT FROM CHILDREN'S CARTOONS ON DOWN TO THE MAN WALKING DOWN THE STREET WHO"S BRAINWASHED AND WEAK MINDED, the opinion of "THE OTHER SIDE". I have no choice but to have it forced on me every day. Yet I HAVE A VIEW OF LIFE AS I SEE IT HERE, NOT CLOUDED BY DRUGS OR ALCOHOL OR HATE, and I am expected to shut up and leave it alone. I would think, for example ,a man who believes in a religeon that says I as a caucasian man, was created by a black scientist, and I am responsible for the enslaving of an entire race, is a man who has a mental problem. But Oh, wait a minute... HE'S BLACK, so then totally justified in his hatred of all white people ( the ones who buy his pathtic albums) . And if a CHRISTIAN were to run down Bill Clinton , for example, none of his opinion would be listened to because it would be attributed to his "religeous" insanity. Yet a BLACK MAN who writes music about ENTITLEMENT OF HIS RACE and says that all people from MY RACE are souless robots created by his people gets a voice solely because of skin color. Maybe you don't experience this shit where you come from. Maybe they HATE MACHINE isn't going on where you live, but here there is hate and resentment towards me simply because a genration of black people have been fed lies and hate towards the white man and have been using us for a stepping stone to blame us for ever ill in their lives. I READ RAP LYRICS. I don't just listen to the "BEAT". I read food labels , I PAY ATTENTION to my environment. I pick up on things many of the "sleepers" just ignore or shut out with distractions like drugs. So fine , talk shit. Stay alseep.
If you folks don't ever step off what you're told or how you THINK it is, then there is no hope for you. I thought a lot differnetly as well years ago. But I PAYED ATTENTION and learned for myself. Think about that.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
OK ... You want to talk facts about Australia VS. America? He's the first link...
Now I have another idiot supposedly from Australia, talking trash. And of course when I give this idiot the hostility they deserve back, AS USUAL HERE THEY DO THE SAME CONDESCENDING CRAP BY POSTING THIS TYPE OF SACASTIC SHIT:Sorry sbout my last post - you're absolutely right. The clear accuracy of your facts and logical approach to your argument makes it undeniable. My mistake.
Sacha | 09.17.05 - 4:14 am | #
Do you remember your FIRST COMMENT TO ME???
I'm from Australia and I think you're both proverbial "cocksuckers".
Sacha | 09.16.05 - 9:30 pm | #
"Yes Sacha, you seem like an intellegent person, and as an Australian I'm sure you know very much about my personal habits here in the USA. I'm really glad you expressed yourself in that way. It's ever so grown up and intellegent to call someone you don't know and never met on a blog you obviously don't read much of a "cocksucker". Oh yes and I just love your use of the word "proverbial". You are a fine reperesenative for the nation of Australia. "
let's break it down sentence by sentence...
I stated Australia was a penal colony.
If you're a "native Australian" then more than likely you have the blood of one of these convicts in your family heritage's the facts, and they go with the link on the head of the page...
This is from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs Homepage...
"Britain decided to use its new outpost as a penal colony; the First Fleet of 11 ships carried about 1500 people—half of them convicts. The fleet arrived in Sydney Harbour on 26 January 1788, and it is on this day every year that Australia Day is celebrated.
In all, about 160 000 men and women were brought to Australia as convicts from 1788 until penal transportation ended in 1868. The convicts were joined by free immigrants from the early 1790s. The wool industry and the gold rushes of the 1850s provided an impetus for free settlers to come to Australia."
As far as my "fuck a kangaroo" comment I made to you,
" Kangaroos are native to the Australian continent and to parts of Papua New Guinea. Most species are only found in Australia. "
Also, if it wasn't for the United States, then Australia would probably still be part of the British Empire today. On January 1st ,1901, Australia declared independence from federation of U.K. colonies.
Franklin D. Roosevelt rushed U.S. aid to Australia without requiring it to join the Union before being granted our protection.
Here's the FACTS...
Finally, Australia was desperate in the early days of the war in the Pacific, when Japanese forces came closer and closer, and actually bombed Darwin, in Northern Australia. Britain was 'fighting for its life' in Europe, and even called upon Australians to serve in its defense in Europe! So the British Empire could afford Australia no naval cover, no military defense, no help in its fight with Japan. Plainly Australia needed the U.S. to come to its rescue. Why did we simply agree to do so without demanding that Australia join our Union to gain our protection? Again, FDR was too small a man to think of such a thing. A great man would have understood a world war to be an opportunity to redraw the map. A great patriot would have seen World War II as an opportunity to make our Union vastly greater and more secure into the indefinite future. But the President of the United States at the time was neither a great man nor a great patriot. He was Franklin Delano Roosevelt."-from the anti expansionist hall of shame...
Here's a post about free trade between the US and Australia...
Thursday, September 15, 2005
This is a GREAT Kanye West article...
Written by a black writer on a black website. At least there are still strong intellegent black folks out there who don't want to be victims.I agree with this one...Here we go....
I love these kind of people. Losers with no style when it comes to talking shit to me on the's a comment from my last post:
and no one gives a fuck about some hair club for men reject wop who sucks bush's dick so hard that his crack ho bitch has to give him the heimlich maneuver. your a fuckin embarassment to all italians,probably run a fuckin gay club too faggot.GRIECO SUCKS COCK!!!!
Anthony Grieco:professional co | 09.15.05 - 3:09 am |
Oh yeah like you really got somthing to say you fucking little bitch. 1) If I was involved in "hair club for men" , I'd have hair wouldn't I? Also , I don't know how you'd know anything about me "sucking cock" , because if you're a "TRUE LIBERAL" then wouldn't you be TOTALLY SUPPORTAVE OF MEN SUCKING COCK?Your kind is all for "gay rights" etc. so why wouid you insult me by calling me somthing that YOUR KIND are pushing for? You guys LOVE COCKSUCKERS and WANT THEN TO HAVE THE RIGHT TO MARRY. So before you bash me , just think of the John "Fairy" and "Coward" Deans who just love kissing ass with those manly bull dykes and cum drinking gay men. Bush never supported COCKSUCKERS. No matter what you're still a COWARD TOO, Just like ALL LIBERALS WHO ATTACK ME AND HAVE NO GUTS TO IDENTIFY YOURSELVES. You obviously support a GAY LOVING PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE . Funny how people like you who supposrt gays SO MUCH love trying to use gay bashing references to run me down. You're probably a fat ass loser who pretends to be liberal so some college educated Thelma on Scooby Doo looking closet dyke will go out with you. I know your type. You know nothing about life or the world and have no real identity or personality. So you pretend to care about "issues" to "fit in". You'll never be anything but some loser wishing he had the courage to face a REAL MAN like George Bush or myself. You're right where you belong, over in the loser's corner with Dean and Kerry. And to call me a disgrace to Italians is kind of stupid don't you think? What the fuck do you know about Italians other than the crap you see on TV that portrays us as murderers or family loving pasta makers? Am I supposed to fit into that "Italian stereotype" you idiots want to see on HBO? Italians are artists, conqerors and brave people who have added a huge dimension to the culture of America, other than the Tony Soprano and the Pizza maker bullshit morons like you want to see. I think I'm following a long tradition of Italians in having courage to speak what I believe and love the country that has become home to so many people from my parent's homeland. So until you got balls enough to put YOU FAT ASS PICTURE UP and USE A REAL NAME, what the FUCK are you to a MAN LIKE ME???
Anthony Grieco | Homepage | 09.15.05 - 3:49 pm | #
reply part 2
Also , It's obvious my WIFE is not a "crack ho". She does not look like she's using crack to me. She looks pretty damn healthy. My wife is a mom, and takes care of the house and the kids and works 4 or 5 days a week. She is also a college graduate. She has a great body and has nice fake boobs. She is laotian and cambodian. We have great sex too. She is a great cook. So maybe if you want to talk real shit about my wife you can use some of those facts for reference. Talk about asian chicks with D cup fake tits or run down mothers or whatever because the crack ho shit isn't really a sutable argument. Also as far as the "gay club" comment, Menages Club is one of the #1 lifestyle clubs in the Untited States. Some of the women who come is are bisexual. It costs an average of 75-100 bucks per person to come in. there is a strict dress code. So a person with your income and intellect probably wouldn't be comfortable there, plus you're probably incapable of getting laid anyway. Also I don't "RUN" any club anymore. I'm just there for moral support nowdays. I left the club business as far as "owning" or "running" anything 3 years ago. If you read my posts you'd already know that.
Anthony Grieco | Homepage | 09.15.05 - 4:00 pm | #
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
And one more link... From master racist MALCOM X
This one explains how the white man has lied and how black men ruled the earth and etc.....Here is a great definition of the fiver percenters beliefs, including the belief that "the black man is God"
Here's some quotes from this link you'll enjoy..."It also rejects most accepted history, authority and organized religion. The black man, the Five Percent teaches, is god."
or this one...
"They draw in part from the Nation of Islam, such as the teaching that a scientist created the white man from the black man, who in turn tricked the black man into slavery."
Method Man, Busta Rhymes , Wu Tang Clan, Kanye West , Nas , and many others believe this shit. YET WE CAN'T CALL IT RACISM!!!!!!!!
This is real shit, it's a real teaching from a real belief system that's been around for years. The five percent nation has an agenda. Yet no one brings it up. There are many many more places besides these links to get the facts on the beliefs. The links I show here aren't on some KKK website. The interview is in a black entertainment forum. I don't make up this shit folks. Why, would you aske, are people like Russell Simmons and Kanye West pushing this agenda? BECAUSE THEY WANT TO RECRUIT BLACK TERRORISTS FROM THE DISINFRANCHISED POOR, AND MAKE IT LOOK AS IF THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. BECAUSE THEY FEEL THE BLACK MAN HAS NO POWER IN THE USA. Think about it. As soon as a black man dies for his belief in his "persecution by the American government" our KISS ASS SYSTEM will then have so called "BLACK LEADERS" chomping at the bit for a "RESOLUTION" just like they all justified the LA RIOTS and said "IT WAS TIME TO SEND A MESSAGE TO WHITE AMERICA" . Then they will eventually demand a BLACK COALITION that's more powerful than the NAACP , one that demands a larger voice in the government. Just like with Bill Clinton, these new black power brokers will be loved by the entertianment industry and Hollywood, and our nation's ignorant young people. They will be supported by popular actors and rappers. They will be the American version of the PLO. A terrorist organization fueled by hate. Only our ignorant brainwashed masses will accept their leadership. Because they will be backed by the "popular". Picture this. (example):A black man dies trying to blow up president Bush. Then the rappers and actors will all say how it happened because of a "wake up call to America". Then they will push for some kind of political party because they'll say that black man has no chance of representation in the government because they can't get elected president, or somthing to that effect, and how they should have some representation in the governent , like a governing body that has some voice that always gets heard. Then the "popular" folks will back some five percenter candidate. Of course the terrorist act will not be attributed to the five percenters. That's the whole idea. Kanye West is just one more black pot stirring tool. Help get the poor black folks mad at the "evil rich white folks" until they do some negative shit and gain power through it. I'm sure people think twice about shit in LA after the riots. And that's a form of power.The poor blacks will stay poor, and the rappers and record executives will cash in. Just like "reverend Jackson". Look HOW MUCH POWER THE NAACP HAS RECIEVED.LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY JACKSON AND SHARPTON HAVE MADE.LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO L.A. The whole "black coalition" thing we have now has changed the way America works. And now they only way they can get MORE POWER is through their own brand of terrorism. The "feel sorry for me" shit isn't working as well. JUST TRY AND THINK ABOUT THAT ONE...
I'm fucking fed up with the 5 percenters...
Here you go. I told you so, I told you so, I told you so...Of fucking course they blamed Bush. The whole fucking thing was started by the racists 5 percenters. As Kanye wWest says in his song:"If you was five percent instead of actin stupid and guessin"- READ LYRICS MORONS... There are thousands upon thousands of 5 percenter references in rap music, but too many idiots don't read the lyrics and find out that their favorite rap artists are nothing more than a tool for a black version of the KKK that preaches that the black man is God and every black man is a potential God...
When are you stupid assed little brainwashed generation of white kids and women who feel the constant need to fill your cunt with black cock and worship drug dealers and pimps going to realize that the whole ghetto culture fueled machine is fueled by hatered for all white males in this country? Just this weekend, a WHITE teenaged girl who is bitter and full of hate for white men called us "crackers". Right after she was beaten down by her black culture worshipping brother and drug down the street by the car. She was rescued by white males, who when offering ice for her injured hand were told" I don't mean to be offensive but I got no use for crackers!!!". There is a black organization. Called the 5 percenters. Many rap moguls and rappers are into this organization. I broke the sentence down to let it sink in. This is no "conspiracy theory". The whole racial argument was carfully crafted by many rappers and pollitical whores and other powerful racist blacks. You idiots can see skinheads and klansmen for the racists they are. But why not the shucking and jiving show animals that are tearing down every bit of our culture? Malvo was a 5 percenter Muslim. I swear on my son that I said the sniper was a black muslim. I remeber telling Mike , my co worker at the time. I knew. Am I psyhcic? No. I just understand there is a real cancer in our system. Before you call me a racist, do some research. Quit being ignorant and realize there is such a thing as a black racist. I am the only white person in my home. I do not hate people because of skin color. I do hate any cultural system that is destructive to everyone I love. And I want that culture to end. Think about that one...
Friday, September 09, 2005
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Here you go idiot...
Below here are several posts dedicated to the so called "German" idiot who "tried" to insult the Italian people , me in particular by using the word "wop". Like I really give a fuck about that word. I'm actually glad he did it , because I got to totally showcase what a "great culture" Germany has, with getting their asses kicked in war by the Roman Empire to the USA , to their great pissing and fisting and fecal eating sex lives. All because some ignorant fuck thought he really had somthing to say. So enjoy. And feel free to try to talk more shit. And I'll keep on fucking you up...
here's some great example of what real Germans are all about- or should I say "GERMans" pissing, fisting

Part 2 of my reply to the fake German:Wanna get technical??? Here's a link to some history)
Here's some quotes from history about the Roman empire (the Italians Mr. Germany talks about)GERMAN ATTACKS ON ROME
Although a German invasion had passed through northern Italy some years before - in 113 BC (and had been eventually been overwhelmingly defeated by the Romans) they still dared from time to time to launch raiding parties into Roman occupied Gaul. In 57 BC, a German tribe, the Saubians, defeated a Celtic tribe in present day Alsace-Lorraine in France, and occupied their territory.
Julius Caesar was forced to intervene to prevent further German incursions. He defeated the German invaders, with the few survivors just managing to escape back across the Rhine River, which was becoming the firm border between Roman Gaul and Germania.
In 55 BC, Caesar built a wooden bridge across the Rhine, near to the present day city of Cologne, and over this first ever bridge over that river, he took the war to the Germans in their own territory. Having been beaten several times in a row by the Romans, the Germans withdrew eastward into the forests, leaving the Roman force a virtual free hand to destroy the settlements on the eastern bank of the Rhine river. After just over two weeks of plundering, the Roman army withdrew back over the bridge, declaring all of the western bank of the Rhine to be officially Roman territory.
This was pasted from a site that refers to several incidents where Italians DEFEATED GERMANS in battle...
Too good not to put it on the front page...( a reply to the fake German)
OK here's the story. Look on the article below, where a "pretend" German coward gives me this comment:i'm german and to me your no better than a nigger you wop piece of trash. We germans wipe our asses with pieces of wop trash like you.
habner | 09.08.05 - 2:59 am | #
You're not shit. You're probably not even German , you're just a lying piece of shit wanna be Nazi. The Italians said Fuck Mussolini and Fuck Hitler and left the fucking war in WW2. I've also seen a lot of German porn. Always got people pissing all over each other and eating shit , and lots of fat stinking pissing whores. Why canb't you idiots actually FUCK and CUM like normal people? Why all the pissing and shit eating? Just go to any porn site and look at the porn form Germany. Fat German whores, the guy will fuck for 2 minutes , then pull out and piss all over the girl, then the girl will make the guy pull out so she can arc her piss in the air and land it all over herself. This is the theme to 85 percent of all German porn. The other shit is idiots wearing stupid masks beating each other. So if you say you Germans "wipe your asses" with us , wouldn't than be a sex act Germany?
OK anyway this idiot still really doesn't identify himself and even if he is German he's from a country that LOST WORLD WAR 2 and ended up with half the country sponging off the united states and the other half being ass slaves for the Soviet Union. SO I can understand how he comes from a country full of losers. They even showed that recently when they bucked down to Saddam Hussein after getting oil kickbacks and went against Bush. Either way my insults really meant nothing to this mornon because it's the same idiot from the other comments trying to find a new "edge" to fuck with me. So keep on talking shit (and if you're really German and lucky with the ladies , EATING SHIT and GETTING PISSED ON) see ya!!!