I'm fucking fed up with the 5 percenters...
Here you go. I told you so, I told you so, I told you so...Of fucking course they blamed Bush. The whole fucking thing was started by the racists 5 percenters. As Kanye wWest says in his song:"If you was five percent instead of actin stupid and guessin"- READ LYRICS MORONS... There are thousands upon thousands of 5 percenter references in rap music, but too many idiots don't read the lyrics and find out that their favorite rap artists are nothing more than a tool for a black version of the KKK that preaches that the black man is God and every black man is a potential God...
When are you stupid assed little brainwashed generation of white kids and women who feel the constant need to fill your cunt with black cock and worship drug dealers and pimps going to realize that the whole ghetto culture fueled machine is fueled by hatered for all white males in this country? Just this weekend, a WHITE teenaged girl who is bitter and full of hate for white men called us "crackers". Right after she was beaten down by her black culture worshipping brother and drug down the street by the car. She was rescued by white males, who when offering ice for her injured hand were told" I don't mean to be offensive but I got no use for crackers!!!". There is a black organization. Called the 5 percenters. Many rap moguls and rappers are into this organization. I broke the sentence down to let it sink in. This is no "conspiracy theory". The whole racial argument was carfully crafted by many rappers and pollitical whores and other powerful racist blacks. You idiots can see skinheads and klansmen for the racists they are. But why not the shucking and jiving show animals that are tearing down every bit of our culture? Malvo was a 5 percenter Muslim. I swear on my son that I said the sniper was a black muslim. I remeber telling Mike , my co worker at the time. I knew. Am I psyhcic? No. I just understand there is a real cancer in our system. Before you call me a racist, do some research. Quit being ignorant and realize there is such a thing as a black racist. I am the only white person in my home. I do not hate people because of skin color. I do hate any cultural system that is destructive to everyone I love. And I want that culture to end. Think about that one...