Tuesday, November 30, 2004

More From "Own It!"

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Assasination Attempts etc...

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Anime, Own It! and More...

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Sunday, November 28, 2004

Kids Playing In The Street...

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An old picture of the club... Posted by Hello

Saturday, November 27, 2004

More Adventures Picking Up Chinese Food

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Thursday, November 25, 2004

My "Thanksgiving Message"...

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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Guess What I Just Noticed?

All my old comments are gone, ever since I re published my blog. When I switched to haloscan, I still had all my old "blogger style" comments intact. But then I republished the entire blog , losing the old comments. Makes it look like no one has been reading all this time.Well at least I have some printed articles from my blog with all the old comments. Well time to start over...I plan on retiring this thing one day. I was going to end it at 333. But I changed my mind. The world still needs my commentary. I thought about ending it after the "tales from the club" posts were done. But I don't know yet. If that were the case, I'd take forever , becuase I haven't been posting "tales from the club" in a while. So what do you guys think? When is it time to "end" a blog?

If You Just Got Here...

Well if you found this blog by accident, go back and read the archives before you call me an asshole. There are over 430 posts here. I have a "desert" of untitled audio posts in the last month, all of which I'm working to rename. I post audio, and I have to go back and put the titles on. Some days I just don't have the time. I have lots of pictures, artwork, stories about my "adventures: in the adult business, etc. So before you make a judgement call and send me hate mail, find out who you're talking about first. Funny how this guy "Kevin" did a blog called "life at TJ's" , which had eighty somthing posts, was considered such a "great" guy. He never really revealed too much about himself , hisa opinions etc. Just some fake ass stories about being oin a strip club and hitting golf balls. People want no substance and call it "believable" . Just like the entertainment industry. Anyone who's real or has real experiences are considered a "freak". Because deep down people don't want to hear negative or possibly unhappy "secrets" about things they're curious about. Then the fantasy is gone. What I do is tell the reality, throw in some things I learned from the shit and then hope that reality is a better thing to take home with you. I backed down on my "tales from the club" series. For those that don't know, I posted stories, which were going to be 87 in all I think , of my life in the adult business. I will do this again. I am up to number 7 or 8. I have to go back and check. I just had to take a break for personal reasons. Anyway have a great day folks...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Part 3

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Part 2

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The Wonderful State Of Kid's Entertainment Update...

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Monday, November 22, 2004

Where is all the violence coming from?

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Part 5

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Part 4

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Part 3

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Part 2

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Movies Just Aren't As Funny To Me As They Are To Some Folks...

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This Guy Is Almost Over... Posted by Hello

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Now, A test picture form the NBA "riot"... Posted by Hello

What's the problem?

Audioblogger and Hello are both fucking me over right now. I can't post audio, can't post pictures. Fuck it. Maybe I'll try another thing. Maybe I should move this whole blog. Not sure yet. Anyway this weekend has been a real depressing experience. So I'm gonna re think my game plan...

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Another Thing...

You know the holidays are coming up. And things have really changed for me. I come from a big family. My father is the youngest of 10 brothers and sisters. My mother's family mostly lives down here. But now all my grandparents are deceased, as of a few months ago. My mother's father burned to death, as you may have read in my posts. My grandmother died 4 thanksgivings ago. That thangsgiving day was the biggest we ever had. It couldn't have been more perfect. Then she got out of bed that night, collapsed and died of a heart attack. So with all the deaths on my dad's side, and the death of both my mom's parents, and the fact that my brother and I both had divorces over the last few years, ( But of course I now have my "real" wife, the women I was meant to be with ) things are just not the same. My dad's family are spread out across the USA , from New York to San Diego to New Orleans, Colorado, etc. I have hundreds of second generation cousins I never see. One thing I am thankful for is my family. And my wife's family has been so good to me since we met and have been married. They remind me of the time my family was together. No matter how many things in my life that I've ever failed at have gone, the love I have now makes up for all my loss. Now that sounds kinda corny etc.But I went through a lot of pain to get where I am today, and I'm thankful. Think about that...

More news from the collapse of the "system" ...

Big NBA Riot.The whole "cool world" is falling apart. Rappers, democrats, NBA idiots. I hate the whole "pro sports" culture that promotes rape of women and women throwing themselves at atheletes like garbage. The whole "Kobe" thing is totally ludicris, we have riots at the source awards, ODB dying and Young Buck in trouble. All these morons have been going around trying to tell us how to think and live as a culture. Fuck em. It's all falling apart now isn't it? I'm tired of drug addicts and self centered people trying to infringe on my time and my life. Maybe the tide will turn against this culture. I hope so. Me, I'm not the best "role model" I know. But I don't do drugs or abuse women , I work hard. I've spent a lot of time working in the adult club industry , but I've never took in all this negative crap and always tried to teach people how to better themselves whenever I could. I love my wife and kids and stepkids. But yet the world would rather hold up some "sports idiot" or muscian as a "honorable person" than someone like myself who has made mistakes but tried to do the best with their life, and tried to understand others. So I use a lot of bad language. So I worked in the "adult " business. Ask anyone in my life if I ever let them down. Funny how some folks who don't know where I am or how I got there will judge me as a "bad man". Meanwhile some trailer trash like Brittney Spears is selling sex and still being called a "legitimate entertainer" by some folks.Just think about that...

Friday, November 19, 2004

What's Eating At Me today, and etc...4

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What's Eating At Me today, and etc...3

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What's Eating At Me today, and etc...2

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What's Eating At Me today, and etc...1

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And In Today's "Another Rap Artist Goes Down" News...

I Fucking Love this shit...First ODB and now Young Buck goes down for stabbing a guy at the Source Awards, at the height of his career... oh well I'm sure they make money off the publicity  Posted by Hello

part 3

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part 2

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Liberal Women And the Holidays, and other holiday cheer...1

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How Much Knowledge Of What's Going On Can One Man Possible Have...

In case you forgot ... Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Ghetto Love Songs part 2

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Ghetto Love Songs... and yet more negative shit from the "Alpha Male Council" featuring "Desperate Mudshark Housewives..."

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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

This is a simple ad I did for my friend who owns an industrial cleaning company. I made the logo a long time ago, the little guy is somthing he uses he got from some clip art.  Posted by Hello

part 9

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part 8

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Homophobia, The First Black President And More...part 1

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These Folks Are Idiots...

They have this "trama disorder" called P.E.S.T. now. It's called "Post Election Selection Trama", or somthing like that. People are seeing fucking shrinks over Kerry losing. Then you have all those idiots making sucicde pacts, camping out in college libraries , and those leaving the country. Is it really that bad? I sat through 8 years of Clinton and watched our culture go to the projects. Gays became mainstream entertainment while rap music and drugs were glorified. The culture of "liberals" and political correctness made folks think twice about saying anything when shit was going bad. Anyone who spoke out about the blatant anti white male establishment was called a "homophobe" or a "racist" . Bill Clinton was called "the first black president". Why ? Because he helped to pull black "ghetto" culture into the mainstream.Meanwhile any black folks trying to do it the right way were called "sellouts" or "uncle toms" or "house niggers" by the ghetto culture. The same way liberals hate any black or latino person on Bush's cabinet who doesn't whine like they do , and actually did somthing with their life. Funny how it's ok to be a minority unless you disagree with the libs...be a puppet you're cool with them. I'd love to see what would happen if a gay person moved up without any special consideration and then said they weren't for gay marriage or abortion. See how homphobic the libs would be then...

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

And in Today's News...

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part 2

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Stupid ass dreams about robot cockroaches...1

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