Another thing they'll blame Bush for ...
Funny thing , today I heard once again this " gas prices were lower under Clinton" etc. But what no one ever wants to hear are the real reasons for anything. Just the "anti bush" crap. Let me give an example. Part of the reason for going into Iraq that I stated on this blog months ago is that soon China will become a problem. Guess who's been engaging in war games with the Russians? China. The threat is real. And Taiwan is gonna get hit soon. There are many many underlying reasons wars are waged that wouldn't make sense to the millions of pollitically "informed" , informed that is of the gay rights, abortion, anti gun ,animal rights and other nonsense that will mean nothing if our country is under siege. While these idiots are busy worried about taking down the ten commandments on a courthouse, or putting away the nativity scenes and worried about offending muslims, people who understand how the REAL WORLD works are busy trying to gain as many democratic, non allies for the terrorists as possible. Countries that produce oil, and allow for more strategic situations in case of a China problem. China was close to purchasing an American oil company recently, among many other things that are in the works. My father told me for years the CIA and our governement did many things that some folks would deem "wrong" , many things that actually protected us from terrorists. He used to say (YEARS BEFORE WE EVER HAD A 9/11) that America was a great nation because we didn't have to fear terrorist attacks like they did overeseas. My father was well travelled. He saw what the rest of the world was like. Funny how Bill Clinton, a man who cut the power of the very people who protected us from terrorists, had the first terrorist attacks on US soil during his administration, and the 9/11 attacks were planned during HIS presidency, not in the couple of months after Bush was put in. Hate Bush because of abortion, stem cells or whatever, it wasn't until CLINTON screwed with the CIA that we had all this shit start up. NOW ON THE OIL ISSUE...THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS , LIBERALS and other
BLEEDING HEARTS ALL CREATED LEGISLATION TO STOP BUILDING REFINERIES FOR OIL HERE SO NOW WE HAVE THE MESS WE HAVE NOW... The media tried to blame it so much on the war, but no matter who was in office , the supply at this time , combined with a lack of refineries for our oil which was a problem caused by DEMOCRATS has caught up with us. Even if you think Bush lied about Iraq, WE STILL WOULDN'T HAVE HAD ANY EXCUSE TO GO THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR BILL CLINTON CUTTING THE POWER OF THE CIA WHICH CAUSED 9/11 WHICH WAS PLANNED DURING CLINTON'S ADMISTRATION AND CARRIED OUT RIGHT AFTER BUSH STEPPED IN OFFICE. Without 9/11 there would be no Afganistan war, then no excuse to go to Iraq afterwards. If you believe Bush lied about WMD's , who would have cared about WMD rumors if there was no CLINTON CAUSED 9/11 attacks??? Bush provides solutions, he says " Let's build refineries." dems say "HELL NO!!!" he says " Let's drill for oil in Alaska, there is a way to have minimal effect on the environment" the dems say " HELL NO!!!" Other republicans say "let's build a fence on the border " dems say " No- there are animals who need to go between the border areas it's a animal rights issue !!!" but yet do you ever hear ANY FUCKING REAL SOLUTIONS FROM THESE FUCKERS??? Their whole answer is "Bush is stupid and wrong and cannot speak well"... Their solution is " Let's take a lot more of your tax money and things will be fine" ... A HUGE HUGE REASON OIL IS UP IS DUE TO ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS THAT KEEP US BOWING TO FOREIGN OIL...Yet when Bush pushes for things that may help us out here someone always whines " but someone will profit from it- see evil Bush is all about helping his oil interests!!!" Give me a fucking break. If you could do somthing that helped you and your friends and also helped others, is it WRONG??? Just because there are winning situations for some doesn't mean that's the ONLY reason. I understand this concept greatly, because I've heard this shit a million times. If people WANT to see bad in you , they will ALWAYS LOOK at everything you do in life, and if ANY positive thing you do for others should also benefit you, they will put this huge "ALTERIOR MOTIVES" tag on you. Like it's all about your interests. This is a childish and JEALOUS way to live life. So before you think about the "GOOD OLD DAYS OF BILL" just remember the PRICE WE PAY NOW, from the lack of oil refineries to the lack of CIA power the the signing of NAFTA which helped put a lot of the Illegal Aliens here people bitch about (and still many many more liberal laws which STILL keep us from doing anything about them) Bush inherited a MESS that unfortunately no one in the media except the talk radio folks who know the truth will attest to. Gas is 3 bucks a gallon and rising. Stuff Clinton did is STILL catching up with us. Bush has been pushing for more refineries since he got in. That's part of the problem. Clinton STOPPED building of refineries. OK now how can you blame that part of the problem on Bush ? People need to make up their mind. When Bush pushes for more Oil refineries, he's accused of being "involved in oil interests" But the same idiots want to turn around and blame him for not trying to help us with oil prices. Common sense would dictate , even IF BUSH WAS BENEFITTING OVER HIGH OIL PRICES (which he isn't) The ECONOMY AND OIL STOCKS ARE DOWN< SO IN THE LONG RUN HE'D END UP LOSING MORE ON THAT END. There would be no fucking gains for Bush or his friends if you read the market. Many of the situations people blindly say " they must benefit Bush and his oil friends" are NOT actually making anyone rich. The profits gained on one front are lost on the other one. People are too ignorant to understand that price you pay at the pump is not like a fucking Wal mart transaction, where Mr. Oil Company get big money for a gallon of gas. There are other market factors where they are losing big time in that situation. Not to say big oil isn't making a profit, it's just not that simplistic way people make it out to be when they wany to bash the president. The dumb redneck on the street doesn't hear these factors - in his ignorant mind he thinks " duh gas = higher prices , president knows oil folks = he must be in on this here thing , at least that's a whut those there news people say. That ol Bush feller must be making gas go up , well I bet he's a getting 50 cents off a thu dollar on that there gasoline fer my tractor" IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK THAT WAY IDIOTS, AND I DARE ANYONE TO PROVE THAT IT DOES!!!BECAUSE IT DOESN'T AND YOU CAN'T!!! I hope this shit finally brings down the democrats to the point the Republicans can fucking do somthing to actually help our country instead of sit back and bitch. And one more thing. I can't stand that bitch "Buffy" at the "own it " blog who whines about "America exploits other countries for profit" BULLSHIT BITCH!!! America is being juiced by every fucking country in this world you ignorant spoiled little whiny waste of so called life!!! We GIVE and GIVE and GIVE to every GOD DAMMED idiot who floats here on a raft, we help junkies and people who scream " I hate America" all the way to the bank with our tax dollars. We put out BILLIONS and BILLIONS in foreign aid, where your stupid ass "SPAIN" and "FRANCE" only give to countries that benefit them. And FUCK CANADA TOO!!! The ingrateful bastards - our coutry has taken in , and re built and helped so many but STUPID LITTLE CUNTS LIKE BUFFY who probably don't understand PAYING BILLS or RESPONSIBILITY and go on the internet and BRAG about taking ECSTACY PILLS and doing other drugs, YOU DUMB ASS WHORE!!! You want to start "SAVING THE WORLD" Start bu looking at all the millions who are enslaved by drugs , or children and the poor forced to work in the fields to make cocaine and other drugs, and all those people who die because of drugs , yet people like you blame the WHOLE GOD DAMMED INFLUX OF DRUGS ON THE US GOVERNMENT . You kind BLAME DRUGS GETTING HERE ON THE EVIL USA, then you STILL USE DRUGS, then talk about OUR GOVERNMENT EXPLOITING OTHER COUNTRIES when you YOURSELF Are a CONSUMER OF DRUGS and cause DEATHS OF CHILDREN WORLDWIDE all for you SICK PLEASURE OF GETTING HIGH!!! AT FUCKING LEAST IF I SUPPORT A FUCKING WAR THAT'S ALL ABOUT OIL THE GOD DAMMED OIL HELPS FEED MY KIDS AND FUELS OUR ECONOMY AND UNFORTUNATLY IS NESSESSARY - YOUR FUCKING DRUG USE IS NOT BITCH!!! IF YOU PAID BILLS OR HAS A FAMILY YOU MIGHT GET IT IDIOT!!!You CANNOT defeat that fucking argument with any reality or anything else but liberal retoric for that matter. That's it for today folks. I put a lot of posts up and I'm tired. It's my birthday again tomorrow . Think about that, and have a good night...
The liberals try to push the agenda....
listening to more stories of armed gangs robbing surviviors , kids stealing shopping carts full of Nike shoes, and other "thuggery" such as guys shooting at police, etc. the liberal idiot commentator chimes in with " Isn't there a fine line between people doing what they have to do for survivial and looting" Of course his direction was to "berate" a reporter who's actually in the mess by acting as if he's being "judgemental" of certain people, thus holding his "bleeding heart" stance. The guy says back, " I don't think a cartload of Nike's is about survival". Wrong is wrong. These liberals are always looking for a way to justify this shit as usual...I'm going to keep reporting. I have one family member I'm not sure about down there. I have no idea how to find out if he's there. My uncle Johnny. As I said before, I've worked there and lived there for a short time. I can imagine how bad it would get. It could have been me if it hit years ago. I traveld down a long bridge there from New Orleans past Mobile to Pennsicola. That whole area is a place I've been. I used to stay in an area called Metarie, near New Orleans, and drive there at night. Mike D. and me were once shot at on Chartres street, which is in the quarter. I rember how pushy the street people there were. And how humid the place was. The town has that "disaster" feel to it as it is. This is going to last for a long time...
watch the news...
I ask again ... WHERE THE FUCK IS JESSIE JACKSON DAMMIT!!! I'm watching New Orleans on TV, seeing thousands of black faces, yet the "savior of the black race" is nowhere to be found. This guy can use some of his hush money paid to the white woman he knocked up to help these folks. Fucker visited Florida, of course he didn't help with any money, and the florida thing was just to get black voters for Kerry in a swing state. Nothing in it for Jessie. There are morons all over right now listening to Bush's every word looking for somthing to "blame" or talk shit about, but meanwhile many many black people are suffering FOR REAL instead of the bullshit imaginary struggle that Jessie always talks about, and yet he is still silent. Many of these are "his people". SO many poor black folks left behind. I'm sure Jessie will show up for the lawsuits on the police and the city and the Bush blaming later on. Just stay tuned...
I'm so fucking glad I'm not there anymore... I saw some great statements form folks like " when you've been an oppressed people your whole life, this is a form of payback" JESUS CHRIST PEOPLE... This is a fucking tradgedy where lives are lost and these fuckers are seeing ghetto ass opportunities. Look at some of the shit getting looted it's a lot of TV's and other shit. Where's fucking Jessie Jackson now dammit!!! Why doesn't that cocksucker have shit to say about the behavior of "his fucking people" . Sharpton, Jackson and the other wealthy opportunist shitbags got nothing to say when it's their folks. Jackson had shit to say about the incident I posted on Saturday July 9th '05 when a woman got whacked by a brother "just for being white". This shit keeps on getting worse, and as long as we keep on condoning animalistic behavior instead of DEMANDING these fuckers act like humans. Or at least get down to a Dr. Zaius level of human behavior, the next generation will belong to the fucking GHETTO...
Read the article below , and here's more to it...
Funny how the press ( at least most of the internet) keeps showing Angelina Jolie with her asian or Cambodian child along with her new adoption story. One major magazeine on the news stand has her smiling picture with the black child( of couse a magazeine that caters to women). Just like with Vin Diesel and The Rock, any woman's literature portrays the "dark side" , like talking in circles about how the Rock is half black,(the only thing in men's publications speaks of him being Samoan) and how Vin Diesel has a black father ( all the Men's publications specifies he's a STEP father ) all in the spirit of pushing a pro black, anti white male agenda. Of course there are many people who would be turned off by Angelina'a pro black stance, so care has been taken to put a picture of the asian child above the story so it doesn't "sink in" with any males who are already feeling the hatred pushed onto them for being born caucasian. Well just like white trash say about "mixed kids" ,"it ain't there fault they's part black they can't help it" It isn't our fault we were born white either...
OK you guys have to read this link, it's all about how the cunt Angelina Jolie dropped the idea of adopting a Russian baby boy and decided to adopt an Ethiopian girl instead... OF FUCKING COURSE SHE DID...THE RUSSIAN BABY IS WHITE AND MALE... one thing that would never make as great a photo op as her holding her new TOKEN BLACK BABY...Just look at the current magazeines with the pictures of her smiling with her new press release...Doesn't this ignorant bitch know that there's PLENTY OF DARK BLACK PORK over here that will spray her full of seed and give her her own black kid? OH yeah I forgot, that baby might not be "black enough" for her... see I'm slowly figuring out the way it all fits together...I would love for Angelina Jolie to be a white man living in the south like myself who endures the snickers and disrespect that black men direct at you when you're raising a black child, all the crap about how you're a fool and the mother of your stepchild must be down with any and all black men who ask her for it , and how she's just with you because you pay bills and shit...No she'll never see anything but the "wonderful Hollywood photo ops and publicity" crap. I'm all for adoption , but you can see exactly what was driving this decision she made. For so many years I've heard these women say how " totally white children are ugly" and "mixed kids are beautiful" and 3 women pregnant with "mixed" kids stressing and worrying that there children might turn out "too white". I've posted numerous stories here of of direct quote after quote of women I've known who ONLY want racially "mixed" children. All these smiling photos we'll see of Angelina will just be more fuel for the fire, more young women thinking how "cool" a white woman having a black kid is, kinda like Paris Hilton and the fucking poodle. All this coming from a guy who has asian, white and black children and stepchildren who I love . I just get sick of the expectations all of the REAL RACISTS put on people like us. I get called racist and hateful when I call bullshit on the way the media constantly devalues white men, and blames them for all the problems of the "persecuted minorities" when I'm busting my ass every day to bring up racially diverse children and get them to trust and beleive in me rather than taking in all the negative racial hate for "my kind" that's constantly being put out every day. From the whimpy ass white boys and nerdy uncool white fathers portrayed on the kids shows to the "stupid white dads who always need know it all mom to straighten him out" I'm sick of this shit... Then in the next scene there's hot white mom married to idiot dad having a conference with the kid's "cool" black teacher, the only understanding , always on top of things (probably on top of mom too) and strong understanding male on the show. ( unless of course there's a guest star ex drug dealer or pimp rapper on the show giving kids life lessons) The mom and the teacher have that "even ground" thing going on, both are intellegent and articulate and attractive, unlike the dork she has at home ...NOW THINK ABOUT..., Now don't just think about it,watch it and see for yourself...
Zombie dogs... Looks like some scientists have found a way to take the blood out of a fucking dog, then put saline solution in, later on put the blood back in and shock the dog back to life...WITH NO BRAIN DAMAGE... great now later on we can create faster and smarter zombies to kill us all...
Looks like some stupid bitch left a 15 month old child unattended while she left with the dog. Typical shit , typical mentality. The same reason the animal cops shows make me sick, when the local crack dealer tells the animal cops where in the ghetto the people who didn't feed the dog live... Let's lock up people for 6 months for letting the dog out, and let the crack dealer out in two hours... anyway check on the link, I'm sure some liberal idiot will find a reason why the lady was right for taking care of the dog...just somthing to think about...
Hell yeah!!! Nashville Tennessee is the 13th "meanest city" in the USA...This article says it's because of how we treat the homeless... Bullshit!!! The only shelter in Nashville is next door to the club and we have always had some of the rudest most pushy and aggressive homless extortion artists I've met ( next to those homless in New Orleans) in this town. I've been dealing with these guys breaking in cars and throwing shit at people while they scream "racist!!!" to anyone who doesn't give them enough money. From guys who steal wheelchairs from baptist hospital and fake being a vetran to the countless who have broken in businesses and vehicles over the years I say NO FUCKING WONDER WE'RE SO " MEAN"... Most all of our homless in this town are substance abusers , mainly because we have such a robust welfare system for women here as well as many programs and churches who provide help there are hardly any homeless families out here, just mostly drug addicts (more now because Tenn Care dropped a lot of addicts recently) and those who choose to be homeless. I pay attention to who's in the shelter. So there's the real story behind today's news...
What not to say when being removed from a club...and more causulties from Tenn Care...
It's sunday and I'm tired...

This is a typical drug traffic weekend across the street... The fucking cops say they can't do shit about these people...and that's not all of their cars either...

...welcome home...

this was my start of a beard I grew for a month... (three days without shaving here) - did the beard, then the goatee thing, then the mustache and the patch thing. Wife liked it, but by the end of the month I had a mistake trimming it and I let it go...maybe I'll grow some hair next...
I want my own island... and a hellicopter... and some guys with automatic rifles who keep out the trash I want to get away from. I need my own sub and a boat too. Also a sailboat. I already got the power thing figured out with solar panels and windmills and backup gas generators. Camera systems and radar too. And a 50 caliber machine gun mounted on my hellicopters and boats. I REALLY REALLY want this shit. If I won the fucking powerball I'm there. I want to be worse than any comic book bad guy you ever saw when it comes to the secret lair shit. bomb shelters , secret rooms , cameras etc. And bulletproof cars and shit. I think about this shit all the time...

Today is our anniversary... not our wedding one... but the day we started seeing each other was August 11... the wedding anniversary is in February... somthing to celebrate...
I told you guys so... MUD SHARK ATTACK.. or "The worship of urban thuggery by white trash women"...
I wsn't too surprised when I heard...
Living off protein shakes and more...
400 miles to a tank of gas...