Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Gotta read this story...

Hell yeah!!! Nashville Tennessee is the 13th "meanest city" in the USA...This article says it's because of how we treat the homeless... Bullshit!!! The only shelter in Nashville is next door to the club and we have always had some of the rudest most pushy and aggressive homless extortion artists I've met ( next to those homless in New Orleans) in this town. I've been dealing with these guys breaking in cars and throwing shit at people while they scream "racist!!!" to anyone who doesn't give them enough money. From guys who steal wheelchairs from baptist hospital and fake being a vetran to the countless who have broken in businesses and vehicles over the years I say NO FUCKING WONDER WE'RE SO " MEAN"... Most all of our homless in this town are substance abusers , mainly because we have such a robust welfare system for women here as well as many programs and churches who provide help there are hardly any homeless families out here, just mostly drug addicts (more now because Tenn Care dropped a lot of addicts recently) and those who choose to be homeless. I pay attention to who's in the shelter. So there's the real story behind today's news...