Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Angelina Jolie adopts a baby...

OK you guys have to read this link, it's all about how the cunt Angelina Jolie dropped the idea of adopting a Russian baby boy and decided to adopt an Ethiopian girl instead... OF FUCKING COURSE SHE DID...THE RUSSIAN BABY IS WHITE AND MALE... one thing that would never make as great a photo op as her holding her new TOKEN BLACK BABY...Just look at the current magazeines with the pictures of her smiling with her new press release...Doesn't this ignorant bitch know that there's PLENTY OF DARK BLACK PORK over here that will spray her full of seed and give her her own black kid? OH yeah I forgot, that baby might not be "black enough" for her... see I'm slowly figuring out the way it all fits together...I would love for Angelina Jolie to be a white man living in the south like myself who endures the snickers and disrespect that black men direct at you when you're raising a black child, all the crap about how you're a fool and the mother of your stepchild must be down with any and all black men who ask her for it , and how she's just with you because you pay bills and shit...No she'll never see anything but the "wonderful Hollywood photo ops and publicity" crap. I'm all for adoption , but you can see exactly what was driving this decision she made. For so many years I've heard these women say how " totally white children are ugly" and "mixed kids are beautiful" and 3 women pregnant with "mixed" kids stressing and worrying that there children might turn out "too white". I've posted numerous stories here of of direct quote after quote of women I've known who ONLY want racially "mixed" children. All these smiling photos we'll see of Angelina will just be more fuel for the fire, more young women thinking how "cool" a white woman having a black kid is, kinda like Paris Hilton and the fucking poodle. All this coming from a guy who has asian, white and black children and stepchildren who I love . I just get sick of the expectations all of the REAL RACISTS put on people like us. I get called racist and hateful when I call bullshit on the way the media constantly devalues white men, and blames them for all the problems of the "persecuted minorities" when I'm busting my ass every day to bring up racially diverse children and get them to trust and beleive in me rather than taking in all the negative racial hate for "my kind" that's constantly being put out every day. From the whimpy ass white boys and nerdy uncool white fathers portrayed on the kids shows to the "stupid white dads who always need know it all mom to straighten him out" I'm sick of this shit... Then in the next scene there's hot white mom married to idiot dad having a conference with the kid's "cool" black teacher, the only understanding , always on top of things (probably on top of mom too) and strong understanding male on the show. ( unless of course there's a guest star ex drug dealer or pimp rapper on the show giving kids life lessons) The mom and the teacher have that "even ground" thing going on, both are intellegent and articulate and attractive, unlike the dork she has at home ...NOW THINK ABOUT..., Now don't just think about it,watch it and see for yourself...