Sunday, June 12, 2005

This is some ignorant shit....

I fucking hate R. Kelly. Another child molesting piece of shit. The hallmark of his ignorance has now been produced. The song " Trapped in the closet" which is a 5 part song. Read the lyrics, there's a link here. This shit is undescribable. This is somthing that no artist could pull off who hasn't already "made it." The basic story is about R. Kelly fucking around on his girl and how everyone else is screwing around too. He also puts his usual"appeal to christianity" in there too, with part 2 of the song featuring a gay minister. Now once you read the lyrics, to full apprieciate ( and understand why I think this is one of the most ignorant pieces of music ever produced) the music you have to listen to it in it's complete form. R. Kelly is out of touch with reality. He paints the picture of a self absorbed sex addicted "black alpha male". He has a way of utterly making me sick. It seems in his music he's trying to cram as many self affirming facts of his "thuggishness" his "wealth" and his "sexual power" and then sprinkle his "relationship with God" and his "sense of being a "real man" as he possibly can. A DJ at a black radio station summed it up perfectly. He once said " It's funny how the black community will stand behind a brother who's accused of child rape, but let that same brother cost us money and they all start hating'" This is after R. Kelly had dropped out of some concert dates and screwed over some fans. These same fans were behind him 100 percent on his statitory rape case. But is taking a good solid piss on an underaged girl really rape? I mean all he got CAUGHT doing was peeing on the girl's face. Oh but he's an "artist". Let him piss on whoever he wants. Especially if she's white. I head these ignorant jealous black women calling in talking about how any white girl R. Kelly raped deserved it for being "after their men". Funny how black folks can get away with saying some of the most ignorant , racist hate filled statements and always be justified in it. If a white guy said somthing like that ... OH my God he'd be declaired the next Hitler. Say an underaged black boy had a huge dump taken on him by , say Brittney Spears. And then a white guys said " Oh well that's what he gets for trying to fuck a blonde chick" he'd have race riots to deal with. Oh well...