Saturday, June 11, 2005

OK Still No Audio...

I'm going to try and write some more. Audio blog is still down for the count and I'm assuming it may never be back up again. Today I got some great news. A guy who helped cause many of my career difficulties has finally been dealt with. He was terminated from a club he had told folks he owned for years. He was just a GM. I love how there are people who are total assholes, who can't run a business for shit, who still get credit from those who they've fucked over. Simply because they still got the job and folks may need them for somthing. If this termination sticks, I can't wait to hear people dropping out like flies to talk shit and finally tell the truth about this piece of shit. Oh well, the idiot that actually took my old place who was his "apprentice" is still in power. He's getting a divorce now, but he still hasn't lost his career which I hope will come soon. I want to see the destruction of all my enemies before I die. Funny thing is , I've spent my life helping others, being there for my employees and friends and family, yet I have more enemies than those who continually fuck others over and are self centered. A good friend of mine bragged to me how he had no enemies. When he became successful, all of the sudden he turned around and had enemies he never knew he had. They say when you have money or power you have shallow friends. I say shallow friendships and deep enemies. Then the shallow friendships usually dissolve into deep enemies as soon as they aren't getting what they expect to from you. Now that I'm more of a "consultant" than a guy running things, I have even less folks who feel they can use me. I still have influince over many situations. I just don't let that be know as much. I've gotten older. I know what I can do, I have nothing to prove to the idiots. there are a few folks out there who tell me they miss the way I did business. many of them are tired of the political backstabbing that's taken the place of my more straightfoward , honest "love me or hate me" style of running shit. Nowdays someone can be terminated in the club industry, and the person who holds the knife always plays the old " I did everything I could" bullshit. Just to create doubt. Then the person who was done wrong never really knows the truth. Those who fuck over others in "stealth mode" usually equate this style with achieving power. I myself say " FUCK IT, if you did wrong you did wrong, if you're not fufilling the needs of the business and don't bring anything to the table then you need to know so you can either 1) straighten up and do better, go elsewhere OR 2) find a profession you're better suited for. Those idiots who are teminated and not told the truth are flooding the industry with more folks who have no clue.They go up the street and get a job at another club, where they play the same political games themselves. Now the "inmates" run the prison. The "trick" customer attitude now runs the business. The main problem with someone being straighfoward with someone in a termination nowdays is because they actually fire someone who doesn't fit into the category of a person who deserves to be fired. How can you tell someone they did wrong when the firing is strickly pollitical? Funny thing is , when I was called on to do a "pollitical firing" ( and usually the cowards at the club would always try to make me the bad guy , let me do the firing so they don't get "hated") I would tell the truth. I would say " It's politics, and you are in a position, whether your fault or no, to be involved in a pollitical firing". When I worked for a corporate strip club chain 90 percent of the terminations were pollitics. Those who needed to be fired always had some sort of "leverage". When an owner creates this sitaution, his business suffers, and is run by bootlicking subserviant asskissers. Original thoughts and ideas are thrown out, because it may "offend" the "big" boss. The ego of one drug addicted corporate loser I used to work for is so large no one can even suggest anything to make the business run smoother. This guy knows everything. Folks listen to him and kiss his ass when he walks in the club. So he assumes that things go that smoothly when corporate presence isn't there. He has never run clubs day to day. He never puts up with the negative shit we had to deal with. It's all simple to him ,because he's never been in that position. And he won't even try to put himself there mentally, because he's "above it". Just becuase someone has money or success doesn't mean they are smart. If I would have peddled drugs in my clubs, hell, I'd probably own a few by now too. I did it the right way. Meanwhile a dope pusher with a low IQ ends up buying out someone and assumes he knows his shit simply because he sis OK selling dope. Oh well, maybe there are a few folks who do it right who will succeed. Hey look at Barrie.. she's doing good so far. SO we don't all have to be crooked cocksuckers to do well in our business. Now think about that ... and have a great day...