Why disney is one of the greatest evils fo our time...
I fucking hate the disney channel, the company, all that they stand for. From their showcases of gay families to mark hetrosexuals as a moderen day leper colony ,to their pre concieved plans to showcase tomorrow's super-sluts I hate this company. They brought us Brittney Spears and Christina Augulera from mickey mouse club.They glamorize gays like Elton John who do their soundtracks and Ellen Degeneres who voice their gay propaganda cartoons.First let me say "I told you so" or at least I can to my family. The newest Disney garbage " High School Musical" has been banned at my house. Due to the fact that the little girls on the show will be tommorow's disney uberwhores. I hit it right as usual. Here we have a scandal involving a high school musical slut and her "accidental" nude pictures. Yeah right. Don't tell me Disney didn't plan that marketing move all along. Most people in America had no clue who "Vanessa Hugens" was until her nude pictures were magically "discovered". Little kids will still idolize the girl, and look at her as a "nude role model". Meanwhile anyone who thinks otherwise is "uncool" and that drives a rift further between this generation and the next. The generation Disney's type of followers hope will accept their future campaign to make gay marriage and the REAL GOAL of leagalizing SEX WITH CHILDREN will be a close reality. Great how "Sir Elton John" who runs down Christianity (like the other DISNEY DYKE Rosie 'O Donell) now has been caught with pictures of naked children he calls "art". Wait and see, all these "great gay role models" are deep down child predators. Wonder if Elton will be doing another soundtrack for another disney cartoon? OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE.Disney hires all these anti-religeon gays who spout off insults at Jesus, they produce some of the biggest trashy whores in the music industry. What good is this company other than to take your money and brainwash your kids? Let's look at an average Disney show, like "That's so Raven "for example. Unfortunately the little tramp has gotten too fat for "sex symbol" status, so now she's got to play the "fiesty know it all overweight black buffoon" role that any overweight black actress (or closet gay ACTOR like Tyler Perry and Eddie Murphy who like to pretend to be fat black women) is stereotyped in.Do like I do . WATCH THE SHOW. And then see what kids get out of it. Put yourself in the position of what would happen if a child in your home did these behaviors etc. The plot of ever "That's So Raven" episode is 1) raven wants to do somthing or have somthing etc. that is "off limits" 2) Raven lies of decieves in one way or another. 3) the circmstances around Raven's lies are "funny" and "comical" 4) finally the lie is found out, BUT WITH NO REAL LIFE CONSEQUENCES.Kids only see the funny part about the adventures in lying and deception. The "punishment" is always somthing maybe a little annoying but portrayed as "funny". But when my kids outright lie to me there is no "laugh track". Then the next show everthing is OK, and Raven lies again. The important "lessons" are all here. 1) parents are stupid but eventually figure out the lie when it is so obvious a retarted goldfish would figure it out. 2) kids are "people too" meaning adults should have to answer to kids in an "equal role", even though they are not experienced at life. This is just a way to diminsh the role of a straight two parent household.Then there are the "single fathers" on TV, the "mythical creatures" that are buffoons and not needed in today's glamorization of "single moms" . Single moms=gay parenting, "Full House" showcases "single dads" but simply for the whole "male gay parent" fantasy. The reason there are 3 men on the show is so it's not obvious what the message is.Nowdays we can probably have two gay dads raising kids on TV. But what a problem that would be. I mean ALL GAY MEN are portrayed as these INTELLEGENT guys who always make the straight guys the butt of the joke.The gay guy always wins on TV. So if you had a show with two gay guys, how would the wize cracks go? I mean would it be like the old Mad Magazeine "Spy VS. Spy" where one time the black spy wins and the other time the white one wins? No they'd probable have a gay friendly neighbor married to a "homophobic" white guy so the women and the two gays could insult him the whole show. Just wait people. When you see the "Hanna Montana Sex Tape" or her appearance in "playboy" don't think it wasn't planned all along.Think about it...and have a great day.