Another Thought
OK I'm sure a lot of folks will not like this : I was thinking the other day. Some of the most ignorant people I ever met in my life are musicans. I mean not all, but some mucicians think they are so damn "enlightned" from the rest of the world they are really stuck in a stagnant mindset. I used to play music, and love all kinds of music. But a lot of people are so wrapped up in an unrealistic world of musical expression they put "tags" on every thought and feeling which apply to music. Hard to explain my point. Just go around a hardcore music fan or musician, and see how many of these people are caught up in this unrealistic idealism and philosophy that ignores any other outside influence. We all love and hate in the same breath, music seeks to make these feelings and thoughts simplified. Now don't get me wrong , musicians are artists and give us reason to live, but many are caught up in "hype". Ever hear stupid people say " That guy is so smart he's stupid" . These peole are reffering to overly educated folks that intimidate them and feel their ultra intellegence keeps them from seeing the "simple" things in life. Or that smart people lack "common" sense. Well maybe people are reveling in the simple a little too much nowdays. One thing I can't stand is an ignorant country fan, listening to a song written and performed by a city bred yankee, taking it all too serious. So many songs about " I don't need any money or material things , I don't need a brain, just country knowledge . " meanwhile these folks are driving 60 thousand dollar cars living in mansions. Kind of like the R and B "love " songs stating "girl I don't need no diamond rings or material wealth" then bragging about how many damn planes and mansions and rims and "ice" they have. Maybe what I am saying is so many people let music and television and people they admire do their thinking for them they are all becoming zombies. Just a thought...