Sunday, April 01, 2007

New way to view Hollywood...

I get sick of the crap put out by Hollywood and I have a right to-I watch a LOT of movies. I actually have the state record at the local video store for rentals.I'm like a "VIP"(that word makes me sick as you know) member. I have this average of 4 movies a week, sometimes 6 or even more.We also had netflix and got 4 movies at a time from them.And add that to all the stuff I watch on the internet. I got no real vices like smoking, drinking or drugs so I guess having sex with my wife, fucking with the internet,reading,working out ,art and movies are my hobbies. The only think that really costs me money is movies and the net bill. Now I can work out for an hour and still watch a movie. I know personal trainers say this isn't the way to work out but fuck 'em. I've been consistently working out for almost 23 years. I'm old now and I work my ass off in construction plus put in 5/6 hours a week of working out. So at this point the diversion isn't hurting me.Better to watch a movie lifting weights than eating cookies on the couch. I don't always do this of course, but sometimes it breaks the monotony. So the other day I'm working out and just get irritated by this stupid film. It just seems like everything in hollywood has to have a hidden agenda and the ignorant don't see it yet are influinced by it. The other people, the "don't want to see past my nose" crowd are another group. They are the biggest critics who say things are not that way, that I'm "reading too much into it". Yet these are the same people who seem to be the most brainwashed by media yet don't know it.They're also the people who are more likeley to believe a conspiracy about George Bush blowing up the WTC. Yet there's the undisputed fact that Michael Moore who made an anti Bush film and called out Haliburton , or George Sorros who owns Move on .org , the anti Bush leader BOTH own stock in the company that blame for the Iraq war.Bit there's no conspiracy here is there? No , just facts that support a dirty motherfucker. I mean after fahrenheit 9/11 talking about all the money the oil company was going to make in Iraq , wouldn't you think the stock would go up? Funny how these guy own all this stock , make these films and then still hold the stocks in the company they're bashing. But no one sees this as a "conspiracy" because these people are FILMAKERS, who are ARTISTS, and are the good honest people trying to wake us up. Film makers are seen as guiding lights because they are artists, and when an artist makes a statement it's looked at more objectively than say a politician or a relegeous leader. But I say it's time to wake up and start thinking of Hollywood in another way. Nowdays Hollywood is promoted two ways.1) films that are obviously marketing and all about money, like your Spider Mans and your Jurrasic parks , Star Wars etc. and cheezy comedies or horror films, or even disney/family stuff.A lot of these films have huge marketing tie ins, games, fast food promotions other words stuff is made for profit.or 2) the "artistic" films that are trying to be entertaining yet make a statement. Anything you want to put in these films is looked at as plausable material, and anyone who makes a statement against them is considered a prude or a person against free speech. You can have child rape, sympathy for drug dealers and users, of couse all you glorification of anything from excuses for terrorism and pushing gay lifestyles to a woman murdering their children. And the new trend is making movies about how bad Mexicans or Arabs are treated.The ONLY thing that is off limits is anything that put the Christian religeon in a positive light. I mean it's kind of silly you can's make a biblical movie about Jesus without catching hell. He was brought to the Romans by Jews to be crucified because the Jewish leadership wanted him crucified. OK , understood. Hitler order the murder of Jews, we can make a movie about him can't we? Is a Hitler film "anti' german"? Yet a film depicting Jews in the biblical account ordering the death of Jesus is considered "ANTI-SEMETIC. " I'm one the most pro-Israel guys around. I see nothing here but a story being depicted on screen.Even if you think the bible is a work of fiction, wouldn't the Jewish element give the maker of the film "artistic license" to make the film? Or should he change the Jewish characters to white males. Maybe white males who own businesses, they seem to be the only bad guys left. Same thing with making all these terrorists into Euro or Anglo or American white males. Funny how people can see a secret agenda in a guy like Mel Gibson making a Jesus film based on the bible which he did not write.And the bible is not an anti Jewish book. But they can't see an agenda in a movie like "happy feet" or "ocean's 11". Now before you say "well Gibson said stuff about Jews" well any idiot can see why that happened. He said that AFTER being run down for years for being a Jew hater because of his father. He got drunk and made a smart remark.I have a similar personality.If I was accused of somthing I didn't do(which I have been) I've gotten angry and said things to incite things becuause I hate my motives being mis judged and if people want to believe shit they will. I look at the big picture, as do many people. Christians do not hate Jews for the most part. They feel bonded with the Jews. Our nation supports Israel for this reason, we share a common origin for our beliefs and Chiristians feel Jews are their brothers. Jews have no desire to blow us up. And have these people forgotten Jesus was also born a Jew? The media simply wanted to seperate Jews and Christians because they hate the whole concept of Chritianity, they hate Israel and support Palestine, and anything that weakens that bond is fine to them. But first before I go further let me take you to a different place. A place where we open our minds and think people besides the polititians have hidden agendas and conspiracies. And top fully "get it" you have to realize that every character has a reason for being cast that way, that people's personal opinions are written into characters, the way they view the world is created by a writer. When you see a commerical where the black guy is hot and getting the (white) girl and the white guy is weak and getting a door slammed in his face, someone actually sat down and factored RACE into that. They didn't just do a casting call for guys and the black guy was the best actor. They PLAN those things. The same thing for kids shows. They portray white fathers as inferior because they're WRITTEN that way. They make gay characters the good guys because someone decided that was the way they wanted it. Think of it like pro wrestling. You already know this guy turns on this guy for the big match etc. it's easy to see it's all about character development and pushing a particular character one way or the other. But people get caught up in films , especially kid's films, and see no agenda. So let's look at a few films and break down their agendas. One of my favorite current examples is "Happy Feet". First you have a dancing penguin. You can't get more ethnic than dancing. Dancing is "owned" by minorities. When people think dancing, they think black,latin, etc. White guys are not known as the best dancers for the most part. Dancing is "cool" , it's fun and it has to do with being hot, young, modern and happy. Serious minded people are't dancers. The issue of the "stuffy religeous penguins who don't dance" is brought up. They believe in "the great wind". THis dancing penguin reminds me of all these stupid kids running around trying to be rappers or American Idols. The whole "follow your dreams no matter what" message is not for everyone. My 18 year old nephew threw his job application in trash with this same mentality. He wants to be on one of those "Pimp My Ride" shows, so he's not getting a job and beleving his dream will come true one day. I'm one of those bad guys on the disney cartoon when I tell him he needs a job. Meanwhile he'll go on to probably smoke weed and imagine the entertainment business and tell himself how Dave Chapelle and Snoop made it by smoking weed.So this penguin has found all of life's answers come from dancing. And by the end of the movie, dancing, not "the great wind" has saved the day. The whole "great wind" of course represents religeon itself. The old, non dancing penguins learn from the "wize young dancing penguin" .Their "great wind" is a lie. Dancing solves everything, faith does not. Except of course "faith in yourself" , because there is no God in the world of disney propoganda. Just a lot of pagan faries and shit.So now we come to the other message of "happy feet" , fishing is bad, it kills penguins, and dancing causes the fishing boats to leave the land of the penguins. The fishermen are the bad guys. Kids are being taught that eating fish, cows, chickens and everything else is evil.You think kids don't look at it this way but they get these messages that you're the old ass penguin and God is the great wind and fuck education I'll be a dancer/rapper/ entertainer and save the day. After years and years of movies mocking any God you can't see, and making that "old people's ways" and making entertanment the "end all" of life, kids just take it for granted that religeon is a joke for the old. Look at the movie "Babel". The mexican illegals are good, the arabs are these helpful great people, the US governent made up of white folks is bad. On the film "Fast Food Nation" the Illegals are good guys, the white business owners are bad guys using the "poor illegals" the young college Bush hating liberals are "good" . And what I really hate are these damn bank robbery/heist films where the leader of the "theft ring" has this big "no guns" policy. Of course, it's OK to rob folks as long as you don't use a gun and are a gentleman about it.Just watch "Ocean's 11", "Gone in Sixty Seconds", and a lot of older heist/robbery/theft films The communist party believes in taking guns away and doesn't belive in capatialism. This film formula came from those writers with communist backgrounds. See the funny thing is the "Hollywood Blacklist" and Joseph Mccarthy didn't get people who weren't card carrying commnuists as the re written history proclaims. Look at the details. All the people blacklisted in Hollywood were REAL COMMUNISTS who raised money for the communist party and had ties to the Soviet Union. Even Robert Redford used to sponsor film festivals in Cuba and we all know how Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam. The original Hollywood blacklist consited of writers who were trying to change America's values through film. They had a definitive plan, they had rules in place to push that agenda. Just like if you go to a job, the boss has on job rules that promote the company philiosophy. he people has the same thing, pro communist themes were forced into the films. Now those of you born in the late 70's or 80's have no understanding of what Communism is because you weren't old enough to understand "The Cold War". When I was a kid, there was the constant worry of nuclear war from communist nations, the Soviet Union was actually trying to take over the world. They put missiles in Cuba right under Florida, they tried to inflitrate South America. The problem is nowdays that there are so many communist influniced college professors and teachers that kids are told communism is this magical solution to everything. The Soviet Union collapsed because communism and socailsim doesn't work. Bush is seen as a "dictator" by today's young idiots because they're never seen a truly "evil empire" and a true super power who are really trying to take over the world. They have no clue. SO what's happened is we have a new "communist agenda" and anyone who tried to point it out will be blackballed like Senator McCarthy. Mc Carthy was right, he uncovered REAL communist, and REAL agendas in the studios in a time when people were trying to take over our country form the inside. It's a shame that so many people who understand communism/socialism/marxism feel there is no "threat" anymore. The liberals in Hollywood were always the biggest supporters. Every time Mccarthy uncovered a communist fund raiser it was always attended by Hollywood liberals, who felt they would be the "communist elite" those who would be allowed to keep their wealth in a communist state. We still at least identify liberals in this country, many of whom have communist beleifs. Funny how the liberals are still the biggest opponent of the United States and the way we are. Always talking about how we are "hated" around the world. Well look at it in a ghetto way. In ghettoisms being "hated" means the "hater" is just jealous. Maybe if these stupid kids looked everything the same way they'd get at least one fifth of what's going on. The problem is they only look at "cool issues" in a ghetto way, and "white man's issues" in the opposite way.Think abou that and have a great day..