Thursday, March 01, 2007

at least there's some good news today...and news that's not going to get reported by the liberals...

Rap music sales are down 21 percent... now I read the article (click on the title link) and it says all this stuff about how many people are tired of hip hop, black people are actually blaming hip hop for negative views of black people-finally there may actually be some true leaders in the black community besides those fake ass "race pimps" like Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. The thing is, as much as I'd love to think hip hop is going down, I think it could be because of other reasons. 1) So many brothers and thugs (morons of all races who thrive in the ignorance of acting "hip hop") are now using my space to hook up with married women and the rest of the sluts on myspace, they are becoming more computer literate and thus not paying for music anymore. They discovered downloading. If you think this is a "racist" thing, think about how many sagging pants black or eminem wannabes actually used those tons of dating services in the past.If you ever went to any of the tons of "hook up" services online trying your luck at finding a date, there were hardly any "hip hop" style folks in the profiles. See those were PAY services., eharmony, yahoo personals, etc. Maybe those who offered a free basic account, like adult friend finder , would get thier share of "thug" types. Then if you read the profiles, if was all these black guys talking about how they could satisfy women, how big their cock is , etc. Then along comes my space, where all a woman has to do to get 100 e mail friend requests a day is put up a fairly attractive picture.(or anything making you look like you have a huge bubble ass even if you're fat) The average woman on my space is bombarded with crap from shirtless black males with a ton of pictures on their my space of rims, people holding up money, and all the other "ghetto icons".The average message is always about hooking up, hollering at "shorty" or I don't care if you got a man , he don't have to know etc. But hey, maybe the upside is enough of these idiots will start going on limewire, emule and everything else stealing rap tunes that they'll bankrupt the whole hip hop record industry. Reason 2)Mostly white kids buy rap music,and maybe they're tired of watching their girlfriends dump them for someone who's really black instead of them attempting to be. Maybe they're getting sick of hip hop and realized it's slowly destroying their chances of ever having a real life. Maybe these fake kids who didn't grow up in the ghetto are longing for a better life, after realizing that ghetto ain't all that. After living in the south and seeing day in and day out women here stressing how "black" their kids are going to be(not worrying about important stuff like the baby being born healthy), then ending up with mixed kids who end up being raised by white stepfathers, all while they glamorize the "thug father" of the child. I've written post after post about white girls down here obsessed with having a biracial "trophy child" , how I can take my own biracial daughter out and her endless comments on how she is so "beautiful" because people here feel the need to acknowlege half black children as "exotic" or "special". But reality kicks in, that lust for having unprotected sex with the taboo mandingo crowd ends up in a lonley existence later on for the mother, and being a single mom is hard. No matter how Madonna and Angelina Jolie try to make having a black child seem like a modern, trendy pet, in real life eventually a real man for a father would be nice. We don't all have nannies and mansions to raise our trophy child in. What really sickens me is this: Maury Povich and other talk show idiots have paternity tests featuring black women who've already went past ten potential fathers and yet still don't know who the father is. Liberals can feel good about this because it plays into their "blacks are victims" mentality. But they never show white women in the same boat, and show haow many white women are living the same life, because then liberals would have to admit that white culture was being destroyed by the same negative aspects that destroyed the black community.Liberals paint all whites as "church going, two parent families" and therefore not going through the same "pain" as the "poor blacks" who have no choice to live like animals and need liberals to rescue them with their social programs. Yet black people are going to church, trying to raise their kids right, and they're sick of the mentality of hip hop. To admit that both black and white people are living a negative life that can be resolved better by traditional values and living right and hard work would undermine the liberals whole agenda. To them whites are "blessed and privileged" and blacks are "poor and unable to do better because of evil whites like the Republicans and Bush and the southern church folks" . Black people are supposed to have kids out of wedlock according to them, yet because of this stereotype being played out in popular culture now many whites are doing the same. WE are being taken down, both of us, black and white. And hip hop , ghetto culture is one of the things justifying this crap. Liberals are the other. Reason 3) As I started said, black people are fed up with the negative crap. While a lot of black families are busy actually trying to raise their kids right, a lot of white people are raising their kids with this "hippe white liberal guilt" crap. The tide is shifting. They're stating to get it. Black home ownership is way up under Bush. Higher than Clinton. Of course they don't want to report that FACT much but it's true. So black people are actaully realizing working and having somthing can happen even if all white people aren't exterminated from the earth. Hip Hop reminds them of a way of thinking that just doesn't work in the real world. Reason 4) Women are starting to screw Latinos as a "trend" instead of black guys . Just a few weeks ago a friend of mine was talking to a girl we know form our old club. She was saying how she "quit dating black guys because the new thing was a Latin boyfriend" . All the dancing shows, all the illegals , all the other Latin culture shit means Latinos are the new "black". Just a matter of time before the liberals drop the black people to kiss ass with the Mexicans and other folk. Regardless of the reason, let's hope that one day hip hop is just a big a joke as all those heavy metal glam bands from the 80's, and the whole disco era. Think about that and have a great day...