Thursday, August 12, 2004

A Stint with Reality...

OK I guess Barrie must have taken my post personally which is always a situation that can happen whenever ANY male speaks of the double standards that have been created by Lezbian forces. That was NOT the intention, I was NOT picking on anyone, just trying to use a chosen profession as an example, the EXAMPLE was used actually make the person understand the point, not to "speak about her directly". There are conditioned responses women have programmed into their heads that if a man says this it always must mean "X" . "You are insecure or must have a problem with women or an asshole etc..." Girls we must GET OVER THIS WAY OF THINKING TO TRULY REALIZE THE BOOK OF LIES THAT IS DESTROYING WOMANHOOD. All the great femine things are being crushed into a hateful unisex world where men are looked at as idiots and tax paying slaves . The only men who have a shot at equality are black becuase they too have been sold the "book of lies" that they are victims that possess an inner knowledge of life that the "evil white males forces" can never understand. No offense was meant towards any individual woman. I was also trying to convey what men see as attractive in general, trying to break down the myths. But of course whenever a man "comes out" and tells the shit they hear from other men constantly they are called names and looked at as a nut. Why ? Becuase 1) women don't want to beleive it 2) men don't want to tell the real story for fear of being looked down on so they agree with the propaganda to keep the peace. And where does our "communication" go ? Anyway check the audio posts later where I go into detail ...