Friday, June 25, 2004

Why have I not posted shit ...

Well I have all these damn spywares and shit i keep getting rid of . I haven't had a very good week and I have 3 articles I'm working on at the moment. Bear with me, meanwhile I have more pictures up from the "old days". I have to write the "piercing and your vagina" as a public sevice. And today I spoke to one of my old associate's fathers on the phone. He told me how his son just got denied parole again. His other son is in prison too. Sad shit to see but lots of people end up in prison while many should be there. These two brothers used to jump in front of bullets for me so it's hard to say a lot of negative shit . Just wished they'd made some better decisions... On another note, my article on my relationships and feelings about women is still being ironed out. Tired of getting accused of "hating women." I'm so misunderstood...You know what I'm talking about Mrs. Pink Bee... Hey how come I got all these E mails from readers I know personally but no comments? Don't worry if you disagree with me I won't make you look any dumber than you make yourself look by not agreeing with me. Anyway I love all you people who read this crap . I don't mind the E mails either , keep writing , I'll write back when I can. Take care and for those of you who were there , close your eyes and remember how the Adult Entertainment Business used to be...