Why I am not a Liberal
Even though I work in the sex business, I am not a Liberal. Why am I not a Liberal? I live in the real world. If you're wealthy and disconnected you never have to experience the "anything goes" aftermath us "little folks" have to live in. I think sex has it's place. Now with Brittany Spears on television every day and sex so mainstream, the people who made a living off charging you to see it are losing their ass. Sex is a basic human desire. No one understands moderation. Women's right, gay rights, the damn imaginary "struggle" the black man is always whining about. I'll tell you about the damn struggle, ghetto . Live in a country where life is so meaningless you have kids strapping bombs on and blowing folks up. The poorest folks here are better off than most of the America hating masses out there. Problem is these people here hate America too.Here's another struggle. Live across the street from a drug dealer who just moved in. When you moved in first, you had a nice clean community . But a few years pass and the whole area changes. Everyone tells you to move but it's not that simple to just sell your home and leave. There are issues of equity , etc. that would leave you unable to even purchase a new home . So to add to the "struggle" , your wife at the time used to have a drug problem years ago, and she's pregnant. She decides to be friendly to the drug peddling neighbors and ends up relapsing.She ignores your begging not to associate and due to too much MTV , she attributes your distrust of the drug peddlers as "racism". You end up divorced later on after your son is born addicted to heroin and your wife owes the dealer a lot of money. After the dealer tries to run over your son as he's playing on the dead end with the other kids, you realize you live in a hellhole. Because of the divorce, money stolen , etc. you end up realizing the only mother your son ever had is his grandma. So he ends up living at his grandparents house who have money and a lot of land. You come home alone to a house your ex wife smeared with dog feces and cleaned all the furniture out with her ghetto "saviors". Try to rebuild your life. After the divorce it's even harder to buy a new home becuase you're now a divorced single male. Now this is the real "struggle". Not some guy who decided he can't have the "lifestyle" he wants because work is too hard for him. SO he sells drugs and justifies his life. I hate these rappers and ghetto folk always talking about "my struggle" why preaching hate and justification for a lifestyle that destroys humanity. Hey wasn't there another guy who talked about his struggle ? remember "Mein Kampf?" ("My Struggle" by Adolf Hitler) remember what old Adolph said "tell a lie long enough and loud enough and people will beleive it. The new Jew for the 21st century is the white male folks...speak out against the drug culture and you're branded racists. Just somthing to think about when you vote for someone who wants to buy groceries for the cast of characters in my "hood".