Sunday, May 30, 2004

Just Hit Me Last Night

I was listening to talk radio last night while I was running around for the club. Heard a story about how these terrorists walked into an oil company office in Iraq and killed a lot of people. Just thinking how I would hate to see these types come in armed at the average club in town. I mean for years my clubs and many others are so heavily armed I would think they would at least get a fight. Most of these guys have handguns, AK's , shotguns , etc. I know we do. The other night I realised between three guys we had a total of about 500 rounds of ammunition. So why the hell aren't these big companies sporting AK's or bodyguards knowing these people are out there? I wonder how many bodyguards Bill Gates has ? That is another reason why gun control is bullshit. Let these assholes come to the south where everyone has a damn gun and see what happens. When I was in gun class I saw little upper-middle classed women , older ladies in their 60's, young guys and convenience store clerks and farmers. Never know who has the carry permits nowdays. And on top of that think about those who carry without permits. This is why I say gun control has helped keep us safe for years in this country. I would love to blast down a terrorist trying to pull that shit somewhere . Where the hell do these guys get the AK's and rocket launchers and shit anyway? The way it looks on TV every kid in Iraq is sporting an AK 47. Wonder if they have any "accidental shootings" of kids there like we always hear from the anti gun crowd here? Somthing to think about...