Thursday, May 19, 2005

OK You Guys Gotta See This...

I was just fucking around, and found the "Ted Jesus Christ God" website. Crazy shit. Just scroll down and check out the "commandments of Ted" . One of my favorites is "Do not if a women or female ride horses or riding animal straddling the horse or riding animal because this can and does make her have orgasms and multiple orgasms and is considered having sex with that animal." This guy is fucking nuts and asking for money. There is a photo gallery of "demons" (mostly club kids, women etc.). On another note I went to Star Wars last night. Had fun, got to see the whole "Darth Vader" story. The actual Darth Vader was hardly in the film at all. The whole movie was fighting and war the whole time seperated by some "love" stuff...I'm going to attempt to do some more audio soon... stay tuned...