Saturday, July 09, 2005

I haven't been blogging...

Look at the link. Better yet, type this statement into an advanced search in Google. You get about 6 pages. "All I knew was she had blond hair and blue eyes, and she had to die . . . I didn't care, as long as she was white,". FUNNY HOW THE SENSLESS MURDER OF A WHITE WOMAN BY A BLACK MAN ON THE 6TH OF THIS MONTH, JUST THIS WEEK HASN'T EVEN BEEN IN THE NEWS PAST ONE TIME. OR READ THIS VERSION:
I remember like yesterday how I told Mike about the sniper shootings going on with "Lee Boyd Malvo". I knew it was a black man. I knew it was a muslum. I stated many many times that it was probably the case. And when it was , you notice how the media kinda shut up about the sniper? It was like "OK we got him". If it has been a white guy they would have called it a hate crime. And where' Jessie Jackson now? He'd probably be saying how a black man stabbing a white mother to death was " A wake up call for America" or some such bullshit. Funny how some black church got burned down and they have talked about that shit all week here. Yet we have a black guy killing a guy at the mall over a pair of shoes, shooting a woman for walking her dog and shooting a ten year old boy in a car jacking and we hear one story. Or we hear a small story about the two black guys robbing Carlisle and Company jewlery story in the mall. They're more worried the black church fire could be a "hate crime" . Race is everything in this country. It totally dominates who's treated with respect and who's given the shaft. And I for one am tired of hearing how bad the dark folks got it here. When white folks quit buying their damn drugs, start shooting back and killing a few of these fucking thugs and thieves and the decent black folks stop condoning the behavior of the criminal element and quit feeling sorry for them , maybe there would be a chance. But too many black folks are gutless when it comes to being afraid of being called an "uncle Tom" or a "sellout" so they condone the bad behavior of their criminal element. White folks have been blasting and hating on the KKK and the skinheads and other racist groups for years. We have totally pushed away any extremist "black hate groups". So when are the black people going to chastise their drug selling , armed robbing white hating friends and family? I want to puke every time I hear a "shout out" to all the "brothas locked up" . YOU STUPID ASS WHORES NEED TO QUIT FUCKING , SUCKING AND HAVING BABIES WITH WORTHLESS CONVICTS, GET WITH REAL MEN AND QUIT WHINING AND LISTENING TO THE "BOYS" WHO ARE NOT ABOUT SHIT. Quit standing behind your "so called" "men" no matter what they do. Your weakness and need to "support your own" is destroying your people and ours. Black folks who idiolize drug peddlers and criminal and "thuggery" are WEAK MINDED AND IGNORANT. Black people who think for themselves are real humans. I'm also tired of watching the black community rally behind child molesters like R. Kelly and Michael Jackson just because they "grew up with their music". Just because someone fucking sings or writes music doesn't make them a "god" , or beyond reproach. ANd before some black person or liberal tells me " Who are you to judge the black community" I say GET THE FUCK USED TO IT YOU IGNORANT NO MIND HAVING PIECES OF SHIT - MY COMMUNITY HAS BEEN GETTING BLAMED JUDGED AND SCRUTINIZED FOR YEARS AND I'M JUST GIVING IT BACK.I ASK YOU THIS -WHO ARE YOU, BLACK RACISTS, TO EVER JUDGE OR EXPECT ANY FUCKING THING FROM WHITE PEOPLE OR WHITE SOCIETY AS A WHOLE?????!!!!!.Why do people who have no control of their race at birth, and never had anything to do with slavery have to bear the burdens of your whiny ass failure to have any ambition as a people? I'M SUPPOSED TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MY " ANCESTORS" , YET MANY BLACK FOLKS AREN'T EVEN RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN KIDS WHO LIVE HERE TODAY. AND MY FAMILY WASN'T EVEN IN THIS COUNTRY UNTIL AFTER SLAVERY WAS OVER.SO HOW DOES THAT MAKE ME RESPONSIBLE? So fuck that whole idea. Just wait until a thug ends up getting blasted for trying to hurt a white person. Jessie Jackson will be there, trying to "heal the community" . That bastard probably thinks it's sad for the man who murdered the white woman, and thinks he's a "victim who couldn't see to do anything except kill his evil white captors". Just another sample of what liberal ass kissing democrats have done to our country...THINK ABOUT THAT _ and if you don't think you must be a liberal...