Friday, October 22, 2004

The Truth About Michael Moore and "White Men " Aren't as Stupid As He Thinks...

OK I will just have to post some audio to actually explain this shit. I watched farenheight 9/11 last night along with the "fahrenhype 9/11". Funny thing is, I could have written the second movie while yelling at the screen at the first one. But some folks are so damn ignorant and don't pay attention to details, just emotional "cues" , that they need an actual companion film to break down for them how they were just tricked without actually being lied to. Another form of "NLP" , current subject also being discussed at "The Pink Bee" . If you never heard of NLP, look it up. I studied this stuff in conjunction with studies of hypnosis and mind control styles used today by advertisers etc. I think Moore isn't that smart. He just exploits the segment of society that wants easy answers and a person , or inatimate object to blame. If you watch the film , look at the details, how he puts them out of sinc with the situation , and how the music and other cues are worked around a "true" statement , but yet he still misleads you into thinking somthing else.Now I'm sure you're saying " But you're just a "Bush" guy, so of course you're going to discredit Micheal Moore. No, on the contrary I am going to accuse him of telling the truth. He outright lies numerous times on "columbine" , but here he actually made factual statements and distorted the background. Now I've heard many many people on talk shows point out his inconsistancies, but no one has ever really pointed out the technique he actually uses. Maybe if the actual "magic trick" was revealed, people would feel stupid and say " Oh shit, now I get it!!!" But do you know why no one is picking him apart in THAT way, not even his enemies? Because they rely on the same dumbing down and not paying attention to details that he does to "control" things. I talk in details, and explain myself a lot. Many folks nowdays assume a "detail oriented person" is a liar. Why? Becuase we've become weary on the surface of advertising we don't like , etc. We tell ourselves someone who offers explaination is hiding somthing. While someone who speaks to us in plain, emotional language is an "honest person". That "fear of details" is exactly what the leeches of this world rely on people. Democrat or Republican, listen to my next posts for further explainations...