Monday, September 27, 2004

Trying to be productive...

Well I haven't posted since I did all the "Own It" posts. I went to TJ's to check out the new contraversey, where Kevin has left for a month and basically proven he was a fake. The asshole who wrote shit about me on Strip Club List ended up having his wife run off (I told him she would). So it seems like a lot of folks are finding out I'm right about stuff so they should listen. But to hell with that. I gotta post more "club" stories, because there is now a gap on the internet of reality stories (or manufactured reality, in the case of TJ's) related to the adult business.I think I should go into my "archives" one day, and post some pictures from the strip club days. I've already posted a few , back when I started this blog thing, but maybe it's time for more. I've been pushing "fat loss" the past few weeks. I am always on the nutrition/ diet/ exercise thing, but I am going for this 7% body fat goal . Gotta keep up with the "rap" guys. I am woeking on flexibility as well. I have had to do audio posts becuase I'm constantly busy. But unlike some other folks who do this stuff, I don't abandon you guys. If I quit writing I'm dead. But I'll leave a password in my will so someone can take over . Anyway you guys listen today . You may learn somthing...