Friday, November 03, 2006

Kanye West fucks it up again...

This idiot wins an MTV award in Europe, then crashes someone else's award for best video whining about why "he should have won". All these stupid ass magazeines that embraced him as this "intellegent articulate black man" can all go to hell now. I was right , once again. Shows you the class and "intellegence" level of the average anti-Bush idiots. I haven't written a lot lateley, because the politics are so heave there's no point in me getting all pissed off at the stupidiy. SO here's my opinion on a few current events and then I'll go. 1) Mark Foley- so he's a faggot. I thought the dems were all "pro gay". And George Sorros is ass kissing with these countries that want to drop the age of consent for a young boy to fuck a grown man to 12 years old. The dems back the ACLU, which defends the boy man love association. So what the fuck are they bitching about? Just make Foley a fucking democrat because he seems to believe in what they are into nowdays. 2) Micheal J. Fox. I don't give a fuck if he's acting or not. He's lying about the whole stem cell research issue. Stem cell reserach is legal and funded, just not that particular type of embryonic stem cell research that involves cloning. And when this is brought up all the dems ever say is so misleading crap to try and pretend it's not true but can't give details. They just go into more anti Bush crap because they know that most democrats are too lazy to give a fuck about details. 3) John Kerry and his statement. What's so different about what he says about the troops now and what he said years ago when he called them baby killers etc.? He is a bitch who has distain for the military.He's backed by Sorros who like those idiots in San Fransisco think we should have no military at all. The liberals are into some star trek type governent with no military. Study the shit that's been proposed , look at these hardcore libs saying things about how we shouldn't have a military and have open borders.There are a lot of anti military people in San Francisco who are not shy about actually saying America is bad because we have a military. That's the people who had the army recruters removed and closed down monuments.Deep down these politicians are trying to play into that hardcore base while pretending to be moderate or conservative. And as far as the joke things goes, it's obvious it wasn't a joke. And if it was about Bush, he went to Harvard so I guess Kerry doesn't count Harvard as an education. Wake up people. Democrats are against religeon, every ACLU case out there is on the other side of the subject. The dems back ever anti religeon legislation out there. Gay marriage and gay rights violate all major religeous teachings, muslim , jew, buddist, christian, etc. They think a "seperation of church and state" means somthing different than it meant to the people who founded the country. These same founding fathers but "in God we trust" on the money , and laws were based on christian values. The seperation thing was so the state didn't recognize or endorse a particular denomination, like the baptists or the catholic church. It's obvious because if they truly wanted a totally Godless based country they wouldn't have used the word God in so many documents and engrained it so much in our system.The dems have no problem looking at specifics when it comes to gun control. Another "re writing of history" they say the founding fathers only wanted the military to have guns. Why didn't anyone every start taking them away then? Plenty of countries supposedly took everyones guns according to Micheal Moore and the liberals.The reason this didn't happen is that that wasn't the intention of the founders of our country. They wanted men to be free to defend themselves and their country. Then they want less and less punishment for drug dealers. Ever time there's a drug dealer with a so called "unfair" sentence, the liberals are lining up to help them. George Sorros wants to decriminalize drugs.He's all for total legalization. Dems don't beleive in the death penalty. Time after time they've back legislation to lower the punishment of criminals. Let's look at the real reason this stuff started in the first place. No one said shit about gun control, gays, drug legalization, etc. until after the 60's. Why? because the hippies and druggies were protesting Vietnam, running to Canada, and becoming pacifists who thought guns were bad. They also thought drugs were good, and a right everyone should have. There was a drug revolution in America. Then these people of course grew up in a culture that loved drugs, so they felt sorry for the dope man. They identified with him. Then psychiatry was created to explain all ellicit behavior that came from the drug glory days . People doing drugs and having "free love" and living a carless life created a lot of crazy shit in society. Psychiatry makes everything into a disease that's out of the person's control. Drug addiction is no longer the fault of the person taking the drugs. The "free love" and sexual experimentation caused people to identify with gays , and molesters were explained away by the shrinks.Aborition wasn't an issue until all these women who were fucking around in the "free love" years were getting unwanted pregnancies. Then the dems started more and more give aways to minorities , even though most dems voted against laws helping the black man to have rights back in the 60's. The feel they own the minority vote because they control the system that so many minorities rely on to live. They used the welfare system to gain power.Bill Clinton came to us with "pollitical correctness" while kissing ass with the growing drug epidemic that came from their glorious welfare programs. The democrats are for high taxes to fund their "social programs". These programs are under their control , which makes them more powerful and the average person less powerful over their destiny. The dems are endorsed by socilaists and communists world wide. They are against capitalism. Any hardcore college student today is being taught these values which include talking about and studying how bad capitalism is and how socialism is better. Why? The hippies, if you remember were about communal living and socialism. Their "pretend" socialism seemed great when they were living in one crowded house, sharing the dope. They still had all the rights and privelges of our capitalist society.They couldn't handle true communism or socialism. That 's also the reason the democrats today are so in love with Fidel Castro, or speak of how great the socialsm spereading through Europe is so great.Anyone who questions the machine is made into a racist or whatever by the "pollitical correctness" trap the democrats invented to shut anyone up who doensn't believe what they do.The democrats today are not the same party after the 60's.It's the dems right to be what they want. They should just quit packaging themselves as somthing else. Have the courage to admit you're for the agnostic, the atheiest, the child molester, the drug dealer, the murder, and against capitalism. If they simply presented their views, only the hardcore and brainwashed college kids with no life experience would vote for them. Let these college kids experience socialism now. Take fifty percent of their spending money and take their credit cards and see how they love socialism now. Democrats take advantage of the loyalty to the party they used to be, the uneducated and the welfare recipient. They scare old people that's they'll lose their social security. Even thought Bush or the Republicans haven't taken it. They scare minorities they'll lose their welfare. Has Bush taken that ? They paint the Republican party as the party of the rich. Yet do you honestly think the democrats are all middle classed hard working people? All polititians are rich. You have to be rich to be in politics. The so called "tax cuts for the rich" are bullshit. I am not rich and I'm benefitting from these tax cuts. Liberals and "progressives" think all rich people should't have over 15 million dollars, and their money above this should be taken by the governement. They want to take 60 percent of their income. (or more). Yet many promininent democrats have their money in other countries , like George Sorros , to avoid taxes. Rich people still pay a way larger percentage than anyone else in this country. It's just a fact. They pay way higher tax rates. If you don't understand this you're either just a jealous person or actually believe all this socialist crap. Do you honestly think the rich don't pay a higher percentage of their income than a lower income person? And without the rich there are no businesses for everyone else. That's how capitalism works. Everyone is not equal as far as income goes. This could be due to hard work or just being born with it. That's just life. Some people are better looking than you, some people have more money, some people have more advantages. If you're not attractive enough then do the best with what you have or get plastic surgery.If you want more money work and do what you can but even then it may not happen for you. Be happy if you're able to eat well and pay your bills and take care of your family.If you can't accept life as it is then move to a communist or socialist country. Then you can see the failures of these so called "utopias" . The problem is , colleges are teaching these kids today all this garbage that won't fly in the real word. They try to push the pollitical correctness and affermative action crap but in the long run the realities of capitalism will kick in.The world is not fair. Just ask Kanye West... Think about that. Have a great day...